Thursday, November 30, 2006
Natural Pain Management
We are bombarded with hormones in most of our meats and dairy products. There is mounting evidence that many girls are maturing physically at a much younger age because of this.
With all this going on, it’s no wonder that our immune systems are on overload and physical ailments are growing in leaps and bounds. Pain in some cases, is what some people’s lives revolve around.
Lets look at pain. It is your signal that injury, disease or too much strain has occurred on the body. Without it you wouldn’t know that something needs to be addressed. Even mild pain can limit your activities, which in turn can lead to a loss of strength, endurance and flexability.
Chronic pain can be on and off or be consistent. If you are like most people, you’ll reach for over the counter drugs or prescription drugs. This is what the drug companies would love for you to do.
If you suffer from pain there are many more options for you to explore than drugs or surgery. With vitamins, minerals and herbs lacking in our daily foods, you may want to consider a nutritionist to assist in establishing healthy diet and exercise program. Supplements, and organic foods, may improve your immune system’s ability to repair the body and should reduce pain.
There are also other natural remedies that can enhance your nutritional handling such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga.
Why Air Purifiers Are Not Always The Answer To Indoor Air Quality Problems
Solving the problem is a much better approach than masking the symptom.
The following are the basic approaches to improve indoor air quality;
1) Eliminate or control the pollutant source.
2) Dilution of the contaminants through ventilation.
3) Removal or reduction of the contaminants through filtration or purification with the use of air purifier filters or air purifiers.
Proper ventilation in a building is a must!
Before the energy crunch in the 1970's, fresh air in buildings was not really an issue.
When energy costs started to rise, we started making our buildings more energy efficient with better insulation and sealing techniques that made the building tighter, reducing the amount of fresh air into the buildings and increasing indoor pollution.
After indoor air quality issues came to the surface, we learned how to reduce energy costs while not compromising the health of the occupants, through the practice of building science.
Great strides have been made in this area, leading to more comfortable, healthier, safer homes.
The goal of good ventilation is to bring in the right amount of fresh air, not too much or not too little.
This is accomplished by using mechanical ventilation (exhaust fans, energy recovery units, etc.) that are sized to the volume of the house and/or according to lifestyle.
Mechanical ventilation not only dilutes contaminants but also removes excess moisture that can become a mold problem if not properly addressed.
Moisture can show up as high humidity (under-ventilated bathrooms, indoor pools or hot tubs and very tight homes) or water that enters a building either from the outside (rainwater) or from undetected plumbing leaks.
Addressing these problems using the right approach, elimination or control of the source (in this case repair the leak from the outside or finding and repairing the plumbing leak) makes more sense than trying to rid the mold with air purifier filters or air purifiers.
Pollutants such as formaldahyde and benzene can be produced from certain furniture, carpets, plywood and drapes. Other sources of benzene are gas cans, gas powered lawn mowers that are stored in garages that are attached to the house.
If elimination of these sources is not an option an air purification device would be the obvious choice.
Toilets, air conditioning coils, heating/cooling ducts and humans are producers of bacteria. The right plan in these cases would be an air purifier device.
Carbon Monoxide is caused by incomplete combustion of appliances that depend on combustion to operate.
Leave this to a company that is well-versed in carbon monoxide.
Pet and human dander are controlled through proper humidity control (mechanical ventilation) and air purifier filters.
Detoxification and Your Health The Bodies 7 Channels of Elimination
When the body confronts a toxin or foreign substance it uses these channels of elimination to purge the toxin as quickly as possible. They key to excellent health is knowing these 7 channels of elimination like the back of your hand and doing everything possible to keep them functioning optimally.
In 1904 a Russian Naturopathic Physician by the name of Eli Metchnikof discovered that the body would recycle any toxin that it was not capable of purging. In the recycling process the body would utilize all 7 channels of elimination to try and get the toxic substance removed from the body. This is important to understand because if your health has been compromised it would stand to reason that one or more of the bodies channels of elimination are not working effectively.
Most people cannot even name the bodies seven channels of elimination. If you value your health do everything you can to understand these seven vital cleannsing systems.
Liver - The Liver is the bodies factory. It metabolizes food, filters toxins and converts ingredients into substances that are needed in all parts of the body. Your liver is one of the largest and most important organs in your body. The Liver when healthy will store vitamins, sugars, fats and other nutrients from the food that you eat. The Liver builds chemicals that your body needs to stay healthy and breaks down harmful substances, like alcohol and other toxic (poisonous) chemicals. It also removes waste products from your blood and makes sure that your body has just the right amount of other chemicals that it needs.
Learn about the Liver by picking up a basic book on health and supplement accordingly.
Lungs - Your LUNGS rae in charge of breathing so you better take care of them. The best way to take care of the lungs is to give them lots of exercise. The best way to keep your lungs healthy is not to smoke. Smoking isn't good for any part of your body, and your lungs especially hate it. Deep breathing of fresh air is the best exercise for the LUNGS. Spend 15 minutes each day doing deep breathing exercises.
Lymphatic System - Regular exercise is the best treatment that your lymphatic system can receive. The Lymphatic is the bodies filter system which supports immune function. A healthy lymphatic system filters out bacteria and other foreign particles. A natural herb by the name of arabanogalactan is a natural cleanser of the lymphatic system.
Blood - The blood is a liquid organ which transfers and transports substances throughout the body. It is what delivers the needed nutrition to those areas that are in need. Red Clover and Chlorella are wonderful natural cleansers of the blood system. A regular exercise routine stimulates the blood system and assists the body in eliminating waste.
Skin - The Skin is the bodies largest organ. By sweating naturally you assist in cleansing the skin and keeping it elastic and healthy. Going to a Sauna and sweating is a wonderful health regimen for the skin.
Colon - The colon is vital to effective health because it serves the function of transporting waste out of the body. Hydration of the digestion system will improve Colon Health. This can be done by drinking an equivalent number of ounces of water to your body weight every day. Also, hydrating the colon through Colon Hydrotherapy has proven to be very beneficial to re-etablishing health.
Kidneys - Your chances of developing a kidney stone in your lifetime are 1 in 10? In 1995, more than 3 million people in the United States had some type of kidney condition such as an infection, kidney stones or cancer. More than 300,000 people suffer from renal failure each year and undergo dialysis or await a kidney transplant.
The kidneys produce urine which is the waste in the body. Often kidney problems are the result of dehydration. A natural supplement that cleanses and provides needed nutrition for the kidneys is Corn Silk.
If you want to understand good health you ned to understand these seven channels of elimnation. I urge you to understand these seven channels of elimination and do everything possible to assist them in your pursuit of excellent health.
Arthritis Relief and Your Diet
Doctors believe there are over 100 different forms of arthritis, all sharing one main characteristic: they all cause joint inflammation.
What can you do to relieve the symptoms of arthritis? A lot.
There is a great deal of debate in the medical world about the effects of overall diet on arthritis and using diet toward alleviating the condition.
Doctors have known for a long time that diet affects gout, a specific type of arthritic condition, however the jury remained out for a long time on other common types of arthritis such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
What is known however, is that overall dietary health is important and does come into play. Weight and nutrition are two factors that play a role in arthritic pain.
Being overweight can affect certain arthritic conditions, forcing some joints to carry more of a load. This added weight stresses the joints, causing overuse or more wear to components, and pain, especially in the knees.
If you suffer from arthritis make sure you eat good foods and get help from healthcare providers to create and follow a well-balanced dietary plan.
To begin with, here are some vitamins, minerals, foods, supplements and herbal applications to consider.
Vitamins that have shown to reduce tissue swelling or provide relief include Vitamins B5, B6, B12, the antioxidant vitamins C and E, and vitamin K, which improves bone health.
Several independent studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis patients given increased doses of zinc showed marginal improvement.
Other minerals to consider include Boron, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese (not to be taken with calcium), Copper, Germanium and Sulfur.
The National Institutes of Health is studying the food supplements, glucosamine and chondroitin, for use in relieving symptoms of pain and stiffness for some persons with osteoarthritis.
Patients with osteoarthritis taking blood-thinners should be careful taking chondroitin as it can increase the blood-thinning and cause excessive bleeding.
Fish oil supplements have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Increasing dietary fish intake or fish oil capsules (omega 3 capsules) can relieve inflammatory conditions like arthritis.
For more information, see Omega 3 Fats
Glutathione is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and can be safely boosted by consuming its precursors available in the supplements, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) or undenatured whey protein.
For more information, see Glutathione.
Quercetin is also known to help reduce inflammation, while Type II Collagen plays a role in growth and repair of joints, articular cartilage and connective tissue.
Because of the risk in overdosing, one should be discouraged from taking doses of vitamins that are higher than recommended without a physician's direction.
Some vitamins and minerals can actually worsen certain conditions, and the concentration that can be attained through vitamins can be dangerous. It is always better to increase in vitamin or mineral intake through your normal diet.
Foods To Avoid
There are many factors to consider with regards to arthritic diets and nutritional healing, and each factor may not apply to each individual.
For example, certain people are allergic to specific foods, and these allergies can indeed worsen arthritic conditions. The best way to approach the situation is to examine each arthritic condition and tailor one's approach based upon the specifics.
Ingesting foods that contain sodium nitrate or tartrazine can inflame rheumatoid arthritis, while ingesting foods containing a substance called hydrazine can contribute to an arthritic condition connected to lupus.
Black walnuts can cause flare-ups in people a rare type of arthritis called Behcet's Disease.
With osteoarthritis, deterioration of cartilage is a concern. Since there is some evidence that Vitamin A, contributes to cartilage deterioration, those with osteoarthritis should avoid large doses of it.
Although clinical proof is not available, anecdotal evidence suggests that in the case of fibromyalgia, eliminating wheat, dairy, citrus, sugar, aspartame (Nutrasweet), alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can provide relief.
Many nutritionists and naturopaths suggest that those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis avoid dairy products all together, as they seem to exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups.
Test Your Indoor Air Quality
1) Does your home have carpeting?
* Carpeting captures dust, dirt, chemicals and everything we track in from the outdoors. Carpeting also outgases formaldehydes and other chemicals used in processing.
2) Do you have an attached garage?
* Carbon monoxide from cars running in the garage (even for a few minutes), will enter the home no matter how insulated the garage is.
3) Do you have any indoor furry pets?
* All pets with fur create some dander, dust and odors into your environment.
4) Do you allow smoking in your home?
* Smoke is made up of over 400 chemicals and will remain in your environment for up to 10 years.
5) Do you use store-bought cleaning products in your home?
* Just because a cleaning product is available in a store does not mean it is safe. 99% of all store-brand cleaning products are highly toxic. The fumes don’t just disappear, but are present in the air and on surfaces until someone touches them or inhales them.
6) Do you dry-clean some of your clothes?
* Dry cleaning uses many chemicals that outgas into your air.
7) Do people live in your house?
* Sounds silly, but people cough, sneeze, constantly shed skin, etc. We are constant
pollution producers.
8) If you open your windows for ‘fresh air’ do you have a street, factory, animals or other pollution carrier close to your home?
* Cars, factory pollution and even farm animals can create odors and/or chemicals that will float into your house.
If you answered YES to 3 or more of these questions, then you may have some indoor air issues that need to be addressed!
Natural Healing For The Body
Back-to-nature is a new health initiative by people living in modern society. Aromatherapy, which stems from natural plants, has also became a favourite in modern day living. Ancient medical healers use essential oils to heal people’s bodies and aroma to soothe their spirits. As whiffs of fragrance drift through the ages of time, people living in modern society have even made use of the latest scientific research to develop the unlimited potential and precious deposits of essential oils, so as to improve the environment, enhance healthiness and beautify the spirit. Aromatherapy comes from the essence of natural flora and enters the human body though the air and the olfactory nerves. From there, it goes though the central nerves into our brains and, tapping on the characteristics of plants hormones, it is able to deliver beneficial effects to the body, such as the lungs, blood, emotional nerves, immune system and even aid in psychological aspects such as the alleviation or pacification of problems like depression.
Aromatherapy uses a simple natural method to kill bacteria and increase nutrients in the air that we breathe. At the same time, aromatherapy is able to allow the surrounding environment to create anions which are extremely good for the human body. Different plant fragrances will create different feelings and responses in our body. Aromatherapy uses the characteristics of plant essential oils to improve the health and balance between complexion, body, cognition and spirit, so as to achieve a state where the body, heart and spirit become one.
The Genie of Aroma – Plant Essential Oils
All plants will go though photosynthesis where the cells will secrete aromatic molecules. These molecules will assemble into aromatic pouches dispersed on the petals, leaves or branches. After extracting these aromatic pouches, we will get what we term as plant essential oils. The essential oils used by aromatherapy can be said to be the hormones of plants. They have the same building components and life energy as human beings. Essential oils are made from the amalgamation of different kind of molecules. These molecules exist together, in a beautiful proportion. As molecules are very fine and have a high penetration ability, they can effectively enter the body and not leave behind any toxins. According to research, pure plant essential oils will not be like chemical pharmaceuticals that remain in the body. They will utilise the body’s excretory system such as urine, perspiration and breathing to purge out of the body. If the usage is correct, natural essential oils will have no side effects.
The natural aroma of plant essential oils, after entering into the brain via the olfactory nerves, is able to stimulate the frontal brain to secrete some hormones, so as to give a most comfortable state of mind. This is the best way to protect the spirit. One is also able to group different essential oils together to blend an aroma to one’s liking. This will not damage the characteristics of essential oils and will even empower their functions.
The basic characteristics of essential oils can prevent contagious diseases and fight bacteria, pathogens and moulds. They can also prevent inflammation and convulsion as well as enhance cellular metabolism and regenerating abilities, making life even better. These essential oils can also regulate the inner secretion organs, enhancing the secretion of hormones and enabling the physiological and psychological activities of the body to develop well. Essential oils can even relax the nerves, enhance blood circulation, reduce depression, make one happier and enable cognition and psychology to reach a harmonious state.
Enjoy a “Forest Bath” at Home with Phytoncidere
The word phyton comes from a Latin word which means a kind of plant, while the word cidere means “to kill”. Russian biologist, Professor Dunkinn, discovered that certain plans emit a substance known as "phytoncidere” when damaged. Phytoncidere, present in all plants, kill other living things in their surroundings. If living organisms such as amoeba of flu, cholera or diphtheria germs are placed near to freshly chopped leaves, the germ will be killed after a few minutes. Hence, it is apparent that plants have a self-immunity function which eliminate bacteria and fungi.
The Functions of Phytoncidere:
1. Eliminates bacteria.
2. Purifies air of pollutants to ensure smoother breathing for greater vitality.
3. Enters the body via the nasal passage to fight diseases and maintain physical and mental balance.
Scientific Research of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a method that premises on the absorption of active materials to heal, alleviate and prevent various diseases and contagion. It can activate vigorous elements in the body to fight all pathogen elements, achieving the effect of healing and boosting of the immune system. Aroma psychology that arises out of “Aroma Healing Studies” is a science that specifically examines the psychological state and inner responses that occur when one inhales perfume. It uses experiments and the results of various measuring instruments to prove the effects of aromatherapy. It is able to present the research results in a quantitative manner and enable aromatherapy to go the way of science.
Vitamin in The Air – Anion
Dr. Jacob, a biological science lecturer at the Public Health School at Harvard University, describes anion as “Vitamin in the air”. Cation can cause headache, discomfort and increase blood pressure, whereas anion can decease blood pressure. An experiment can show that if a patient with high blood pressure inhales anion, his blood pressure will decrease and so will his pulse rate.
Effects of Anion:
1. Respiratory system: anions can enhance the fine hair activities in the nose sticky membrane, windpipe and bronchus sticky membrane; elevate the expansion of smooth muscles; help in the elimination of phlegmatic liquids; soothe the sensitive reactions of the respiratory system and is especially helpful to nose sensitivity.
2. Blood circulation system: lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate, reduces the precipitation speed of red blood cells, lengthens the time for blood to coagulate and aids in the smooth circulation of blood.
3. Immune System: activates the dermis system function, elevates protein contents in the blood cells, hence increasing the ability to fight diseases.
4. Control bacteria in the air and reduce diseases to do with the respiratory organs.
5. Adjust and regulate the active response functions of the nervous system, hence soothing feelings of anxiety and uneasiness.
How Essential Oils Are Absorbed by the Human Body
Essential oils are absorbed by the body through two channels, the skin and the lungs. The skin is originally endowed with the functions of absorption and excretion. Essential oils molecules are very tiny and are able to penetrate into the skin and in between the lymph and cells, then spread to the blood in other parts of the body. Absorption method happens via the pulmonary alveoli in the lungs, into the surrounding capillary bloodstream and is able to release refined plant hormones into the air through aromatherapy, allowing the body to absorb quickly and achieve therapeutic benefits.
When the lungs absorb phytoncidere nutrients, it is not only healthy for the lungs, it will also forge a healthy connection between the lungs and the heart, as well as the heart and the blood vessels. So, after the lungs absorb this large amount of nutrients, it will send these nutrients to the heart, and the heart will then send these nutrients to the blood vessels, which will then send the nutrients to every cell in the human body!
Traditional aromatherapy uses the method of heating to allow essential oils to diffuse beneficial nutrients into the human body. To open up the path of healthcare and health science, the first step is to be acquainted with the functions of healthcare. This involves the complementation of “bio-tech aroma-vapourisation” products which Bel’Air has researched and developed. The birth of such products is another breakthrough created by Bel’Air in the research and development of its products. Aroma-vapourisation is the first key for aromatherapy to enter the domain of health science. Via this method, you do not need to place essential oil into alcohols but can directly drip a few drops onto the aroma-vapourisation base for the essential oil to diffuse. The effects will be even better. This world patented product owned by Bel’Air holds great significance and meaning for the medical world.
Constipation A Serious Health Concern
Bowel movements should correlate to how many meals are eaten in a 24 hour period. If you eat three meals in a 24 hour period, you should have three bowel movements. If not, you are constipated. The statistics show that over 65% of the American Population is constipated.
There are two different theories related to constipation. They are the traditional Medical Opinion as well as the holistic opinion.
Traditional Medicine defines constipation as the passage of small amounts of hard dry stool. However it also states that we have different levels of metabolism and because of this we all experience different frequencies of elimination.
Holistic Medicine believes that you should have one elimination for every meal you eat each day. The holistic practitioner would tell you that the healthiest digestive system is one that absorbs food and nutrition at meals and eliminates the toxic waste 12 to 18 hours later. If the food stays in your system for more than 18 hours it putrefies, accumulates toxins which get absorbed into the bloodstream and contributes to numerous other health concerns.
If you are constipated there are several things that you can do to bring your body back into balance.
1) DRINK more water. Ideally you should drink one ounce of water for every pound of body weight each day. This will help rehydrate the digestive system.
2) Exercise Regularly. This will increase the blood flow which will assist with normal elimination.
3) Supplement with a good daily fiber product that consists of ground flax.
4) Lubricate your digestive system with Essential Fatty Acids like Flax, Borage and Fish Oils which make it easier to have an elimination.
The reason that Constipation is a serious health concern is that we absorb whatever is put in our digestive system. If your digestive system is blocked and filled with waste you will absorb that waste and put the burden on your liver, lungs, lymphatic system, blood, skin, colon and kidneys to assist in getting those toxins out of your body.
It is always a great idea to see a naturopathic medical practitioner who can suggest great supplements, reading materials and healthy alternatives when confronted with poor digestive health.
Top 3 Reasons Why You Suffer From Pain In The Back Of The Knee
Here are some things you need to keep in mind if you ever experience such pain behind the knee:
1. Possible Arthritis
This is one of the most common causes of pain in the knee. In fact, if you are over the age of 65 one in two of you have arthritis with the knee been one of the most common joints involved.
The pain of arthritis is usually a dull tooth ache pain that is occasionally sharp with sudden movements. The pain is usually located over your joint line (where the tibia meets the femur) and in the front of the knee. Mild and sometimes severe swelling is associated with this pain. The pain is worse when you exit a chair or car. It is also worse with any prolonged walking or standing. The pain is usually better with rest, heat (sometimes ice), wrapping the knee and pain medication.
Occasionally the knee may catch on the rough uneven surfaces of your cartilage. Patients often complain of grinding in the knee, and occassional popping.
2. Minor Tear of the Cartilage Surface
Rather then a cyst or fluid build-up, the causes of the pain behind the knee might simply be slight micro tears in the cartilage. This can be treated with the same solutions at the end of this article. Tears, if minor, require no surgery and will heal on their own depending on the time allowed for healing and if the activity that aggravates it is avoided.
3. Baker's Cyst The cyst usually occurs due to some other problem in your knee such as arthritis or even a tear of your meniscus. The swelling from this problem causes fluid to build up in your knee. This fluid pushes out the weakest point of your joint capsule surrounding your knee. This is usually to the back portion of your knee capsule, and a cyst forms. The cyst has a valve made out of your joint capsule tissue. This valve can sometimes become clogged and the fluid becomes trapped in the cyst. Thus, even when the injury has resolved, you still have the swelling in the back of your knee. This is associated with pain usually described as dull and aching. The pain is worse with prolonged walking or standing. It is sometimes improved with rest, elevation and taking pain medication.
Many people agree that when it comes to pain behind the knee, the best plan of action is Control, Avoid, and Rehabilitate.
Cryotheraphy which involves putting ice on the area for 5 minutes at a time. This will help reduce the pain. Do not continue to apply ice if a burning sensation is felt.
Heat from a heating pad for 10-20 minutes on a lower setting may help reduce pain. Alternative methods include creams that create a heating sensation like Icy-Hot or AST BioFreeze gel.
Bracing from a comfortable knee brace can provide some needed relief and stability to the area, reducing the pressure on the area and thus; reducing the pain. There are many knee braces available that can be worn during activity or at any time where the area becomes bothersome.
There's nothing special about this old saying. Simply avoid the activities that aggravate the pain and participate in ones that seem to help it. Making a list of things NOT to do and a list of things TO DO will be helpful in determining what makes the pain worse. Avoid activities that continue to make the pain worse or no better. This is typical advice. Pain is a warning signal.
Talk to a Doctor and make a plan of action to rehabilitate the knee thru controlled motions. Rehabilitation includes motivation to do the prescribed exercises. The correct exercises as prescribed and the proper equipment to keep the motions in controlled.
Pain behind the knee is very common in some many sports that you can suffer from this by doing almost anything from snowboarding to racquetball. By taking precautions in your sports and understanding what might cause this, will allow not only enjoyable sports activities, but a lifetime of activity.
Getting Rid Of Gallstones Naturally
When we eat, our gallbladder contracts and pushes bile into the small intestines where it helps with the digestion of fats. Bile is made up of water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts, proteins and bilirubin. Under certain conditions, substances in the bile, especially the cholesterol or bile pigment (bilirubin) can harden into stones – gallstones.
Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. We can develop one large stone or a multitude of smaller ones. Many people with gallstones have no symptoms at all. Others go through life relatively symptom free, experiencing minor symptoms such as abdominal bloating, intolerance to fatty foods, belching, intestinal gas and indigestion. For others, however they may suffer what is called a gallstone “attack”. Gallstone attacks often follow a fatty meal. Symptoms of an attack include steady, sever pain in the upper abdomen that can last from 30 minutes to several hours. Sufferers may also experience pain in the back between the shoulder blades or under the right shoulder. A gallstone attack is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting. If symptoms such as sweating, chills, a fever or a yellowish color to the skin or whites of the eyes occur, it is important to seek medical assistance.
There are a number of factors that increase your risk of having gallstones. Those at a higher risk include women, especially women who are pregnant, on hormone therapy or taking birth control pills, people over 60 years of age, Native and Mexican Americans, overweight individuals and individuals who fast or go on crash diets and lose a lot of weight quickly.
It is important to recognize that if the gallbladder is loaded with stones, there is very little room to store bile and fat digestion may become impaired. In turn, the unused bile can back up into the liver causing liver congestion. If this is the case, it is important to evaluate your liver’s health prior to cleansing on your gallbladder.
Recommendations For Wellness
The traditional treatment for gallstones is to have your gallbladder removed. There are, however, a number of things you can do to reduce your risk of producing gallstones or experiencing a gallstone attack.
- Reduce your consumption of saturated fats typically found in red meat and pork, while increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables you consume.
- Start a diet and exercise program, but avoid crash dieting which can increase your risk of gallstones. Both diet and exercise can help you reduce your risk of producing gallstones.
- If you are taking birth control pills or are on hormone replacement therapy, speak with your doctor regarding your risk of forming stones or have them check your gallbladder for the presence of gallstones regularly.
- Studies indicate that coffee increase the flow of bile and may help to decrease the risk of gallstones. If you decide to add a little coffee to your health plan for this reason, make sure you only consume organically grown coffee beans.
- Supplement with vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed by the body to convert cholesterol to bile acids in the body.
- Lecithin has been shown to help break down and transport fat molecules and may help dissolve gallstones. Studies indicate that it is helpful in protecting us from gallstone formation.
- Safflowers can be used to thin body fluids as well as aid in the digestion of oils.
- Nature’s Sunshine Gall Bladder Formula can be used to help stimulate circulation, improve liver function & aid in the production of digestive fluids.
- Do a gallbladder flush. During a gallbladder flush, 1-2 cups of olive oil are consumed to simulate the gallbladder into releasing bile. This increased demand on the gallbladder to release bile works to push the stones out.
- If you think your liver is congested, or if you have been having minor symptoms of gallstones for a long period of time, it is important to support and cleanse your liver for a period of time before doing a gallbladder flush. Try taking herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion or a liver cleanse formula.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My Search for Happiness in the First Year of Sobriety
Happiness in sobriety? Could this really be possible? Yes, I know I need to quit drinking if I want to continue to live. Survival during sobriety maybe, but happiness seems almost out of the question.
I do feel a little glimmer of hope when I see other sober women who seem happy. Could I get there too? I won’t think about that now. First I must somehow find a way to quit drinking. I will try to get through today without a drink. I will survive this day hour by hour. I know that I have to begin to really try.
It’s been three days without a drink! I feel proud of myself but I’m also scared to death that I won’t be able to maintain this. Maybe if I accept the fear but don’t let it take over, I can continue. The women in my group have given me praise for what I have accomplished. That feels good. I don’t want to let them and myself down. Just one more day, I can do it!
I am feeling uneasy about myself. Thoughts have been coming to mind about what I don’t like in my life, oh, what I wouldn’t give to have a drink to numb my brain. How can I stay sober and deal with all these problems in my life too? I feel angry, it’s not fair! I also feel angry at myself for letting my life get so out of control. Guilt will just get me drinking again so I can't go there. I need to try to think positive and just know that not drinking is enough for now.
It’s been three weeks! I heard once that to establish a new pattern, it takes 21 days. It’s true that I feel a little more in control now.
My need to drink seems to occur more with mental triggers than with a physical need. When I feel sad or lonely or angry, it’s the worst. Staying with my real feelings and honoring them is tough.
My group keeps telling me that getting to know myself will help me stay sober. Then why do I feel all this guilt about what I seem to need or desire. Will I have to change all the relationships in my life? Will they stick with me when they get to know the real me? It’s too scary to think about if they are unwilling to grow and change with me.
It’s been three months with no alcohol. When I was walking on the beach today, I felt a moment of peace and acceptance with myself. Could this be happiness? I noticed that as soon as I tried to soak it in, I felt a desire to drink again. Why do I want to sabotage myself? Is it because I don’t think I deserve to be happy?
It’s been over a year now. My life used to be filled with busy activities, always finding a way to distract from what I really felt. Drugs and alcohol also served this purpose. Now my work is to accept my feelings, sit with them daily during meditation, and try to live in the moment as much as possible.
I used to think happiness was something big, like exhilaration or joy, when I felt ecstatic! Yes, that is happiness, but those moments come rarely. Jean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., founder of the Women for Sobriety Program, was right when she said happiness is created, not waited for. It takes practice to feel happiness or at least peace.
Someone once told me that if I had the key to happiness, I would be happy while doing the dishes. Yeah, right! The truth is that life is often filled with many small, repetitive tasks. Happiness comes during those moments when I know that I am doing the right task, and that only occurs when I know what my bigger picture is.
My more difficult and long-term goals include keeping my Women for Sobriety group going, building my business, and learning art and dance. When I know that I am working steadily towards those goals, I can enjoy the beautiful view of nature I see outside my kitchen window and feel happiness while doing the dishes!
I need to work on developing awareness and appreciation of the small moments throughout the day that provide the opportunity for me to feel happy: a beautiful blue bird flying in front of my window while I type this, my daughter singing in the other room, me writing this on New Year’s Day because I had a desire to.
Treating West Nile Virus with High Quality St. Johns Wort
This is exciting, because it means the virus is accessible to treatment utilizing high quality St. John's Wort (SJW). Several studies have been done on a variety of encapsulated viruses, including herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, parainfluenza virus, vaccinia virus, cytomegalovirus and several retroviruses including HIV1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10.
Non-encapsulated viruses or "naked" viruses were also studied for comparison purposes10,13.
SJW was a potent anti-viral agent across a variety of encapsulated virus families, but showed no activity against naked viruses.
Unlike a vaccine that is specific to each organism, SJW is active against encapsulated viruses by a variety of mechanisms, including light activation, interference with DNA transcription, impairing the assembly of intact viral particles and the lipophilic (fat-loving) nature of the ring structures (the quinone and phenolic groups)4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. These ring structures are critical to the biologic activity of SJW.
From these results, it is reasonable to use high quality, pharmaceutical grade SJW in combating West Nile Virus, since there are no effective pharmaceutical agents.
Quality is critical since the level of hypericin and pseudohypericin are key. I can only recommend the SJW product produced by Medi-Herb, which is a pharmaceutical house in Australia, adhering to pharmaceutical manufacturing standards. The product is distributed by Standard Process through alternative health care practitioners, including doctors of chiropractic, acupuncturists and veterinarians. SJW is quite unstable and the active ingredients degrade on store shelves. An independent analysis of 3 products (all of which were certified to contain 0.3% hypericin) were shown to be widely variant, with one product 25% below label claims. It is critically important that the phytochemical integrity of the whole plant be preserved for maximum efficacy.16
Focus Your Light Earning Money From Home When You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Or Fibromyalgia
But you **can** do something in your day - it just may not be much...
... so all you have to do is 'focus your light' - focus your energy!
Most healthy people have oodles of energy - but many don't focus on anything in particular and so they don't feel that they get anything done.
In essence, many people - healthy or otherwise - sadly lack direction. They lack focus...
Even the tiniest amount of energy - directed every day (or every other day or basically, when you feel well enough) towards a goal - in the end, and after time, forms a huge result.
No matter how much energy you have - if you focus that little amount of the energy on working from home - setting up your own project - you will get there. After all...
... the snail wins the race!
It's not a question of:
"But how can I make money? I have nothing to sell!" - that's the one objection pretty much every Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia sufferer that I have talked to, initially comes up with.
I say 'initially' because after I've explained to them the different ways in which they can make money online, something 'clicks'...
All you need is a computer, the Internet, and a passion about something. ANYTHING!
We live in a world where knowledge is KING. People are hungry for knowledge - and everyone - EVERYONE - knows something about SOMETHING.
It might be about how to manage 3 kids during the holidays. It might be about your faith in a religion or about spirituality. It might be about your interest in history, pets, makeup, knitting, fishing, model planes, sport, massage, quilting, sewing, gardening, computers, chess, cooking, traveling, cars...
You might know about ways to entertain toddlers and young kids (for baby-sitters and young mothers). You might know about how to be super organized - or maybe you're good with numbers?
You may know a lot about your local area - its history - or great places to go out to - or beautiful nature trails in your area. You may know about an area you visit often on holiday...
What matters is that you know about something that you can write about - that you can either sell in the form of an e-book (easier than you think), or that you can put on your own web site (also easier than you think), to attract visitors.
Having your own web site on a topic you are passionate about is the BEST way to generate long-term income - if you do it properly.
The point is that YOU know SOMETHING about SOMETHING that SOMEONE ELSE wants to learn about! YOU have knowledge - that someone else is looking for!
The point is that the only thing you need to bring to the table is passion and the motivation to work...
...which won't actually feel like **work** when you're doing something you love anyway!
And the great thing about working on your own project is that you can work WHEN you want, for HOW LONG you want, and on WHAT you want.
If you can only manage 25 minutes one day, then that's 25 minutes more than you would have done if you had done nothing! If you can manage 2 hours on another day - even better! If you can't manage to do anything another day, then so be it!
It doesn't matter because you have no-one to answer to but yourself! Because it's YOUR project!
YOU set the pace...
... focus your energy and you can have your own income-earning web project in months.
This is so important that I'm going to repeat it!!!
Focus your energy and you can have your own income-earning web project in months!!!
Injured Athletes and Acupuncture
As a warning, I would caution athletes to train as if they are competing. If you are interested in getting acupuncture, start in the off season, and stay with it through the year. If you are close to your championships and have never had acupuncture, you may get the results you are looking for, but with all complimentary medicine, expect the unexpected. You don't want to be too relaxed on the day of a competition, and if you are always high strung and relax deeply you may get a detox reaction. While a detox reaction is usually mild, such as light headedness, nausea, or fatigue, these changes in the body are not desirable just prior to competition.
Sheepskin Underlays For a Better Sleep
If you want a better sleep, consider that when medical researchers report on the best padding available for increased comfort and reduced stress, they are referring to sheepskin.
One reason sheepskin makes for a better sleep is because sheepskin padding redistributes weight over a larger surface area than do other materials. The high-density, soft, springy wool fibers of sheepskin are the key. To sleep on sheepskin padding is to awake in greater comfort and less fatigue.
Anyone can have a better sleep with sheepskin padding and covers, thanks to the ability of sheepskin fibers to regulate temperature and moisture. On chilly nights, the cool air is kept away from your skin. On hot nights, perspiration is drawn into the fibers. There, the sheepskin traps 30 to 36 percent of its own weight in moisture.
Sheepskin is also durable. In the case of High Temp medical sheepskin, the leather backing is resistant to urine and other fluids and may be machine washed and dried.
M101 grade medical sheepskins, treated with a process known as "chrome tanning," can be washed but not machine dried. Washing sheepskin padding or covers with a soap that includes lanolin-sheepskin's natural oil-will ensure that you have a better sleep for years to come.
Compared to other types of padding or covering, sheepskin will give you a better sleep. If you toss and turn at night trying to find a comfortable position, or if the temperature never seems quite right, sheepskin can transform your nights into a comfortable, better sleep.
Being Rubbed Up - The Right Way - The Therapeutic Wonders of Massage
Today in this fast paced 21st century, it could be argued that we’ve never known a more hectic style of living. When we become stressed our activity becomes strenuous and our energy requirements exceed supply. Our bodies can become tired and stiff, our muscles cramped and sluggish with the overall feeling of being tense, fatigued and stressed. But do we take time-out? Do we look for ways to relax and slow down? Do we decide to nurture ourselves a little? Usually not! Let’s face it, most of us just soldier on. We are so caught up on the treadmill of our busy lives that we have forgotten how to listen to our bodies.
The experts and their statistics tell us that we are living longer than ever before. Our life expectancy is extending every few years with a result that most of us can now expect to live well into our eighties! Perhaps this is one of the reasons that more and more people today are now taking responsibility for their own health and well being. People are looking to complementary therapies to aid the recovery from tension, stress and fatigue. In our determination to be healthy and remain healthy many of us now use massage as a powerful form of preventative medicine and as part of an integrated approach to our personal health care.
It has long been recognized that the power of touch is crucial to us as humans. We are all sensual beings and as a result our bodies respond well to massage and human contact. Research in the UK has proven that in many health institutions, such as hospitals and nursing homes, etc. patients responded better to treatment and were more content when there was more physical contact between their carers and themselves.
Here’s why it works - There are many types of massage techniques which can include, sports massage, mother and baby massage, Swedish, Shiatsu and Reflexology, but the basic principle of each is very similar. Massage improves circulation allowing your blood to send oxygen and nutrients to your muscles where ultimately they are converted into energy. Furthermore it assists the filtering out of toxins and drains the essential lymph system which is so important for a strong immune system. The result? A nourished, cleansed and relaxed body and a wonderful sense of well being that can last for many days afterwards!
1) A qualified massage therapist will have undergone a substantial period of training and should be a member of an international association relating to his/her specific field of expertise. There are a number of excellent therapists in your locality and referring to your telephone directories should provide you with a qualified massage therapist or clinic in your area.
2) Your therapist will want to get to know about you on your first visit and will prepare a personal case history based on a number of questions he/she will ask. In order for the therapist to provide you with the best suited therapy during your session these questions are important and will touch upon medical, social, personal information as well as your family history of illnesses, etc. Based on the information compiled the therapist will then design a treatment specifically for you.
3) It is important for you to feel at ease with your therapist and it is the practitioner’s job to make you feel comfortable and explain to you what they will be doing.
4) Always let your therapist know what you are planning to do after your massage.
5) If you are planning to have an Aromatherapy Massage, i.e. a massage combined with pure essential oils, it is best not to have a shower or bath for approximately eight hours as this period of time is needed to allow the full absorption of the oils into the body.
6) Finally when your session is complete your therapist will allow you some quiet time to relax on your own before getting up and heading off and continuing your day.
When Your Emotions Become Like Ticking Bombs and Cause Disease
Doctors have been preaching to their patients how important it is to eat a healthy balanced diet and to exercise on a regular basis. It is also advised to limit our fat intake because it is unhealthy. Many people believe that by taking vitamin and mineral supplements they will ensure themselves that any deficiency they have will be taken care of.
If all the information that has been preached to us about disease and health is true, then how is it that a person such as myself could become chronically sick? Before I became chronically sick, I worked out four to five days a week and ate very well. I ate a varied and healthy diet and also limited my intake of saturated fats. So, how did I become chronically sick after following such an active and healthy lifestyle?
Well, although dis-ease is a physical manifestation, the root causes of most illnesses are not physical. The true root causes of almost every dis-ease lie deep within every person that is ill. In essence, we create every illness that we experience, be it on a subconscious level or an unconscious level. So, how is that possible?
How can we possibly cause ourselves these kinds of circumstances? Well, there are distinct emotional and mental patterns associated with every illness. The way you choose to use your mind and the way you respond to your outer world have more to do with disease than your diet and your environment.
We have heard in recent years how stress can kill you. Well, it is really not the stress in and of itself that will kill you, it is the way you choose to process the stress that could hurt you or make you very sick. The body in essence is a mirror of our inner thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Every single cell in your body has its own intelligence and is able to listen to what you are thinking and feel what you are expressing emotionally.
In reality, your cells and your body respond to every thought you think, every emotion you have and every word you speak. Repetitive modes of thinking and suppressing negative emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred can and will eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body. Literally, your suppressed emotions become like ticking bombs waiting for the perfect conditions to detonate and manifest as dis-ease.
There is a philosophy/science called metaphysics. Metaphysics deals with primarily how there are many factors in the universe in which can not be reasoned with the five senses of the human body. In the aspect of disease, metaphysics proposes that there are distinct emotional and mental factors that contribute to the manifestation to each correlating disease. The correlation between patterns of emotions and thought to a specific disease can be so profoundly true.
For example, let’s take a person with heart disease. Metaphysically speaking, the heart represents love and our blood represents joy. Our hearts pump this joy throughout our bodies. When someone lacks joy and love for their life, the heart shrinks and becomes cold and thus the blood becomes sluggish. At this point, one is subjecting themselves for heart conditions such as angina, arteriosclerosis, and deposits in the arteries. In fact, if you were to look at most people who have heart disease, you will find a lack of joy and love in their life.
Another metaphysical correlation of suppressed emotions and illness would be that of cancer. This disease is typically found in people who carry deep anger for either themselves or resentment for other people and circumstances that occurred in the past. These people were very hurt by the past event and usually carry hatred for a long period of time until it literally starts eating away at the body and manifests as cancer.
I hope by now that you can begin to see a deep correlation between a person’s emotional and mental state and the disease they carry. Whenever a person comes down with any disease, they need to look at themselves and see what they have been thinking or what emotions they have been suppressing.
Many times though, the triggering emotional and mental factors for a specific disease occurred many months to even years before the manifestation of the illness itself. It is key to discover the true root factors that triggered the manifestation of the illness. Even conditions such as the so-called common cold and the flu may have distinct emotional and mental factors contributing to them.
Any time you are sick in general, you need to listen to your body and hear what it is telling you. Instead of always looking for a magic blue pill or a magic supplement, one needs to be more conscious of their bodies. If you are chronically sick then you need to assume full responsibility for your own health. No doctor or drug can cure you of any illness. You have the cure within you to eliminate any disease. God equipped all of us with everything that we will ever need in this world.
How dis-ease really gets manifested in the body
Symptoms of illness result from only the following 3 factors: 1) Toxic Thoughts 2) Toxic Emotions 3) Toxic Chemicals produced in your body from your negative emotions.
Your toxic (negative) thoughts, which really determine your perception of life events, cause you to have negative emotions, which cause the cells of your body to create toxic chemicals and in turn cause your body to create toxic cells that lead to DIS-EASE.
Science is now proving that when you are in a state of distress and disharmony, your cells produce toxic chemicals that tend to deteriorate and degenerate the body.
Anytime you move into stress and disharmony you express negative emotions that literally create toxic chemicals in your cells. This causes your body to be in a state of degeneration and stagnation. Once you are in this state, you then become susceptible to attract viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, candida (fungi), and also store toxic chemicals from food and pollution since you will not be detoxifying properly.
Also, when you are stressed out or carry any of the negative emotions such as anger, resentment, hatred, impatience, etc., you tense up. This tensing up causes many of your biological processes to be impaired. Nutrient transport, cell respiration, detoxification, elimination, digestion, assimilation, hormone production and brain function become severely disrupted leading to a gradual degeneration in your whole system.
Emotional stress has the biggest impact on your immune system above any other factor. If you are in a state of balance and harmony mentally, emotionally, and physically, then illness simply can not set in the body. Most people have not been taught how to deal with stress and live in a balanced fashion. The society of today promotes drama, stress and struggle. The secret then is that the suppressing and storing of emotions are the true root cause of most illnesses.
Diet and environment do help to contribute to disease, however, they are not the underlying cause for it. Just look at anyone who is calm and approaches life in a balanced fashion. These people rarely get sick and will almost never get chronically sick. Chronically sick people are ones that are typically very emotional and/or have had serious traumatic experiences in their past. They are also people who tend to hold onto emotions correlating to these past events.
The big secret that many health organizations don’t want you knowing is that the body has a divine blueprint for perfect health. Every single cell in your body has its own intelligence and is programmed for optimum functioning. Due to this divine blueprint, the body knows exactly how to heal itself no matter what illness, injury or imbalance that may be present.
The key is to know how to use this blueprint to restore your health or improve your current state of health to optimum functioning. Once you know how to tap into this cellular blueprint for perfect health, you can then heal yourself from any illness.
Divine Blueprint for Perfect Health
Let’s use an example of how this blueprint for perfect health works. Let’s say that you cut your finger. What most people are unaware of is that the second the cut happens, there are biological processes that start immediately to regenerate and heal the wound.
Due to the cellular programming in your body for perfect restoration, all the necessary processes and substances to heal the wound are automatically carried out perfectly. Accordingly, after about a week the cut is healed completely and you would never know that there ever was an injury.
Another example of the divine perfection of the body and how it is intelligent is when you break a bone. Here is another instance where the body starts immediately to repair and regenerate what is out of equilibrium with its divine blueprint. Again, after about 6 weeks the bone is healed completely and it is actually stronger at the point of the break than it was before.
So from these 2 examples, it is quite clear that the body knows exactly how to heal itself from anything that it is presented with. The question really isn’t can a person heal from a chronic illness, but rather does the person have the correct information to use to heal themselves?
True Healing
So, how does one begin to heal the emotional and mental traumas from one’s past? The secret to healing yourself on all levels of your being is to learn how to let go and forgive. Learning how to forgive yourself and all the people who you perceived as hurting you is the best remedy for any life issue whether it is a chronic disease or an unhealthy relationship with a family member or past lover.
Notice that I said perceived as someone who hurt you. The fact is, no one can ever hurt you in life. You can only allow yourself to be hurt. The mental and emotional grief that you have experienced in life was really due to the perceptions that you had about each life event. The key is to learn how to change your perception in life.
I have found through personal experience that forgiveness is absolutely the best remedy for any life issue. I know that as I began to forgive the people that I thought wronged me, my health and my life started to improve dramatically. The question I ask of any person that says they are chronically sick or has any type of health ailment is...Who is the problem?
Forgiveness can actually heal you of disease. I will say that forgiveness is the magic cure that many people in life are looking for. There are many people who carry hatred, resentment, anger and bitterness toward the people they think hurt them. These emotions set in the body and get stored over the years until they manifest as disease and other imbalances. Your emotions also get stored in your energy fields and form blockages. There are now scientific instruments that can read your energy fields (aura) and are able to tell where you have energy blockages. Based on where you have energy blocks in your aura, you will be more susceptible to acquire certain diseases.
In essence, if you could read people’s energy fields (aura), you could tell where they are blocked energetically and be able to predict what specific diseases they are more inclined to come down with.
Releasing old emotions will cause shifts in your energy fields and thus free up the energy blockages that you may have. That is why letting go of old STUFF can do wonders for your health.
I have heard of people having miraculous cures of their illness once they decided to forgive someone for the past. In fact, there are health promoting biochemical changes that happen in a person’s body when they are in a state of forgiveness.
So, how do you forgive you might be saying? Forgiveness is not some hard and complex process like many people believe. It does not take extended energy and time and requires no knowledge of how to do it. Here is the secret answer to forgiveness. Forgiveness starts with a thought. The thought of really wanting to forgive the person in question, letting the past event go and releasing the need to be right. The rest GOD will take of as long as you are sincere in wanting to forgive the person.
That is it!! Pretty simple huh? It does work! Just do it. The sooner you do, the sooner you will feel like a mountain has been lifted off of your shoulders. Not only do you free yourself but you also free the other person. Even if the other person never finds out that you have forgiven them, they will experience a release of some kind on some level.
One bit of advice I can give is that to be able to forgive someone else, you have to forgive yourself first. The same principle applies here where you simply just let go of the past, have the thought of forgiving yourself and release any anger or pain from the past event.
If you can really absorb the information that follows, you will be well on your way to healing yourself from whatever illness you have and/or creating optimum health.
The Formula For Complete Healing
1) Assume Full Responsibility for your illness. No one out there can ever heal you. It is your duty to heal all levels of your being to be completely well. By educating and empowering yourself with sound holistic health knowledge, you will be well on your way to healing.
2) Commitment; doing whatever it takes to heal yourself. I would have walked to the North Pole and back if I had to. Just be committed to do whatever you have to do to heal regardless of how much money and energy you have to expend.
3) Forgiveness- as explained earlier will be the best medicine for your recovery.
4) Implementing a diet and environment that will support your physical health. (You will learn how to do this throughout this book.)
5) Learning how to adjust your thoughts and emotions to support long term health.
Holistic modalities and true organic supplements can help you to heal on a physical level but only when you assume full responsibility for your health and become conscious of your full being. You are a multidimensional being with a complex psyche. You need to learn how to balance your multidimensionality.
The only way one can truly heal from any disease is through healing every level of their being. One needs to look at their mind-body-spirit complex and work to heal those areas that are out of balance. Without such balance, one can never truly heal!
The Origins of Aromatherapy
Centuries later, it was Hippocrates who may have been the first high-profile advocate of aromatherapy. More than 2,000 years ago, the creator of the physician’s creed that bears his name was an outspoken believer in the benefits of aromatic massage for both physical and emotional well-being.
In the 10th century, the Arabs invented a process of distillation that allowed for more efficient extraction of the essential oils from plants, and for centuries, cultures from every part of the globe have inhaled aromas, drunk potions, and worn aromatic amulets as healing aids and to protect them from harm.
By extracting the essential oils from plants and herbs, aromatherapy has been, and continues to be, used to address a wide range of physical and emotional ailments, from headaches to herpes, from dry skin to acne, and from arthritis to asthma.
In modern times, France and England have led the attempt to reintroduce many ancient remedies to the world in the early 1900s, and to help aromatherapy gain greater acceptance in the traditional medical community. France still leads the world in rediscovering modern uses for ancient remedies, and many French doctors routinely prescribe aromatic remedies for their patients. That practice is reinforced by the fact that French pharmacies stock a wide variety of essential oils, and insurance companies are willing to pay for treatments involving ancient healing methods.
America currently lags behind the French and English in the use of aromatic medicine, but as more and more people experience the healing properties of aromatherapy, its use will continue to gain popularity in the United States.
Roundworm and Parasitic Infections
Parasites are often "mobile," moving to feed off of one area of the body and then to another. They can eat the host's cells directly, or drain the best of the nutrients directly from the host's tissues. (Remember, if you are inhabited by parasites, we are not talking about some other "host," but we are talking about YOU.) After eating, the parasite excretes its fecal wastes throughout the body's host leaving a poisonous, amonia-like substance for the host's body to deal with. Parasites are NOT friendly, well-mannered guests.
Most parasitic infections come from our food and water sources but can also be transmitted by human or animal contact. Simply petting and grooming our pets can facilitate infection, the parasites' eggs passing from their fur to our hands, nose and mouth. Some parasites (e.g. pinworms) can even be transmitted through the air and are in the dust we breath. It's likely, therefore, that those who live in the same household will all have the same parasitic infections, whether they are currently symptomatic or not. People are infected by parasites through our water sources, our food sources (especially if the people who handle our foods at restraunts are themselves infected), through our pets, and even through our infected children (children are the most easily infected). If one person in a household is infected, then chances are EVERYONE in that household is infected, and everyone in that household must be treated together!
Parasites are often mobile, "grazing" in one area of the body after another, eating the host's cells directly or draining the best of the nutrients directly from the host's tissues, all while secreting their fecal wastes throughout the host's body, leaving their poisonous toxic sludge (like ammonia) behind, further taxing the host system's abilities even more gravely. Parasites likely infect everyone. It's estimated that as many as 85% of the world's population is so inflicted. In fact, it's highly likely that you are infected by one or more of over 1000 known parasites which can live in your body at any one time. It's believed by some scientists that parasitic infection is more responsible for diseases like cancer, diabetes, liver dysfunction, even HIV infection, and others, than traditionally accepted.
Powerful Essential Oils Kill Nail Fungus
Fungal infection of the skin & nails is one of the most difficult of all disorders to cure. Tea Tree and Oregano essential oils aids in eradicating primarily through topical application. These oils have a deep penetrating power, which aids in the destruction of nail fungus, since this fungus infects the root of the nail bed as well as the surface. These oils are included in our Healthy Nail Blend along with 5 other powerful essential oils.
In the book, "The Cure is in the Cupboard: How to Use Oregano for Better Health" Dr. Cass Ingram, says: “The feet harbor a variety of microbes. In fact, they are one of the most commonly infected external sites on the body. Circulation in this area is poor, and this leads to sluggish local immunity. A variety of microbes may find residence in the skin of the feet, particularly between the toes, where moisture is retained. Foul odor is a dependable sign of poor health of the feet, as is the development of scaling or athlete’s foot.
Problem toenails may readily become infected, particularly by fungi, although bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, may also infect them. Toenail infections are difficult to eradicate, because the infection beings deep within the nail bed, and the delivery of medicine to this region is difficult.
It is a little known fact that poor health of the feet affects the health of the entire body. Thus, for optimal health the feet must be kept clean and free of infection. Wash the feet often and be sure to keep the toenails well manicured. Clean any debris that might accumulate about the toenails or between the toes. Rub oil of oregano once or twice daily over the nail beds, the soles and between the toes. Don’t neglect the health of the feet; your body will pay a price as a result."
Children usually fail to attend to good hygiene and their hand washing technique is usually poor, if they wash at all. The fingernails are one of the dirtiest regions of children, microbially. The underside of the nails often contain a reservoir of microbes, especially if the nails are long. It is well known that parasitic infections in children are spread by poor hygiene; and entire day care center can become infected from one carrier. The hands are the main mode of transmission, but it is the underside of the fingernails that house the parasitic cysts and eggs. In particular, parasites tend to reside under the nails, and from there they readily reintroduced into the body. The fingernails must be kept neatly trimmed. Wash the edges of the nail beds with a soap and oil of oregano solution. If this is done regularly, the incidence of infectious disease in children will be curbed dramatically.
Be sure to educate children regarding the importance of hand washing. Oil of oregano and/or Tea Tree essential oil helps reduce the risk for contracting microbial infections. they can be used both on the body and on inanimate objects. It may be added to soaps and body washes. They are a universal antiseptic, and there is no limit to the versatility of its uses. Infections spread like wildfires in public establishments, especially schools. Instruct children to use the oils during hand washing to prevent the transmission of infection from child to child and also to prevent it from arriving at home.
Fortunately, we can lower the risk of infection by paying scrupulous attention to personal hygiene. Infection is often caused by the foreign bodies (germs) which enter our body through the mouth, nose, eyes, and fingernails, as well as through cuts in our skin. Good hygiene won't prevent cuts, but it can eliminate many of the germs that are lurking around our eyes, mouth, nose, and fingernails.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Cure Arthritis Right
Arthritis sufferers are daily bombarded with new, better, more exciting treatments. Try Enbrel! Try Humira! Miracle drugs!Get your NSAIDS! Get your DMARDS! Pump more chemicals into your system. Side effects? What side effects? You have a choice; accept the side effects or get sicker and sicker.
In order to allay our fears, the drug companies publish the results of their clinical tests. This double blind study proved that that lethal chemical reduced your swelling more than another, equally lethal chemical.
Do they think they're playing with babies? Yes. That's exactly what they think. Arthritis is such a horrible, debilitating disease that we'll try anything to reduce the symptoms. And that's exactly what these awful drugs do. They reduce the symptoms, temporarily. As the symptoms creep back, your rheumatologist increases the drug or experiments with other lethal concoctions to reduce your swelling or pain. We're told there's NO cure for arthritis. We're told that no one knows the cause. Really! More that thiry years ago we sent men to play golf on the moon. But we can't pin point even one cause for this crippling disease?
It's time for a reality check. The drug companies will continue to pump out really expensive chemicals, ostensibly helpful. Our doctors will continue to serve up the concoctions fed to them by the drug compaines. Unless we refuse to go along with this travesty. We don't need a revolution. We don't even need to take on our doctors or the drug companies. We only need to pool our resources and conduct our own quiet experiments.
We need to experiment with our habits. Just take one aspect of our life and alter it for one month. For example, are you a heavy coffee drinker? I'm pretty well wired to the ceiling by mid-day. Cut coffee from your diet for one month. Document any changes to your system resulting from this. You may, of course, suffer withdrawal symptoms but you may also experience a very welcome reduction in arthritic pain and swelling.
That's just one suggestion. We have lots more. Feed-back from our brave experimenters will eventually allow us to make real recommendations. The revolution has started!
Taking Control of Your Health and Well being
Do you ever wonder why, in spite of all your good intentions, you just cannot seem to take control over your health and wellness the way you really want to? The answer to that question can be found in the words of Albert Einstein, who reminded us "you cannot correct a problem with the same thinking that created it”. In other words, you cannot change old behaviors without new information.
The Institute of Medicine recently published a study that indicates ninety million Americans are "health illiterate", which means we do not know how to interpret or use health information to control or improve our health, or prevent chronic disease. Data compiled previously identified, "lack of information as the number one root cause of death". Understanding that there exists a cause and effect relationship between what we know and how we behave, we need a model of integrating this important information to change the behaviors that lead to chronic disease. According to a 7-year, 1996, Harvard Medical School study, approximately 70% of all cancers are preventable through lifestyle changes. Furthermore, our diseases and conditions are primarily a result of stress, food, environment, attitude, emotions or beliefs that keep us in behaviors that lead to illness. Which invites the question, are we consciously choosing to be unhealthy, or do we just not understand sufficiently the relationship between what we think, how we behave, what we put into our bodies and how we keep ourselves well or make ourselves sick?
In a world exploding with health information, especially on the internet, we are caught in the dilemma of having abundant amounts of information, without a context through which we can understand and utilize this information in a way that is appropriate for our own unique personal health needs. There is, however, good news - making its way into the mainstream of health care is an integrated model of health information and education that provides a "whole picture of health" perspective, allowing each of us to discern and create our own unique approach to taking charge of our health and well-being. Whole Health Education, developed over the past 28 years, in cooperation with Boston physicians, nurses and educators, is an approach to understanding the cause and effect our behaviors and choices have on our state of health. Demystifying the five major factors that influence how sick or well we become, Whole Health Education provides a perspective on human anatomy and physiology, bio-chemistry, psycho-social, environmental and spiritual aspects which allows for an authentic understanding of what we need know to resolve chronic health problems or to stay healthy. Integrating evidence-based information with the wisdom of various spiritual teachings and a whole-person overview of behavioral options, Whole Health Education offers each of us a tool for personal health management by providing personalized health information that explains the physical, emotional, nutritional, environmental and spiritual aspects of a health concern.
For example, Mature Onset Diabetes affects approximately 18.2 million Americans and is the leading health concern in our culture today. As all chronic conditions are, Mature Onset Diabetes is a multi-dimensional disease state and the unique Whole Health perspective, can facilitate the restoration of health for those with chronic diseases such as diabetes.
What happens on a physical and structural level with Mature Onset Diabetes? The specialized beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin, become incapable of producing adequate amounts of the critically necessary secretion. This happens over a period of years and can begin in our bodies, over time, by eating large amounts of insulin-provoking foods. These insulin provocateurs, which are sugars and starches in the form of complex carbohydrates, require the pancreas to produce more insulin so that the sugars can be carried over the cell membranes to all parts of the body. Serious disturbances occur when we do not have enough insulin to carry the sugar over the cell membranes. Insulin hooks onto the sugar molecule and acts like a lock and key mechanism to bring that sugar into the cell which is then used in the energy cycle of cell metabolism. The nervous system, brain and the lungs cannot function without the proper metabolism of sugars.
Just as diabetes is a lack of nourishment on a chemical/nutritional level, so is it a lack of emotional nourishment on an emotional/mental level. It relates to the “feel good” nourishment component of your body. What do we know about carbohydrates and serotonin? Carbohydrates provoke the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neuro-transmitter that produces a feeling of well-being. There is a direct relationship between what our body is doing chemically and how we feel emotionally. When we crave or build our diet around carbohydrates, this can be a way of “self-medicating” our emotional needs by eating carbohydrates to provoke insulin production.
Sugar problems can affect us emotionally. Let's say you have a pancreas that is not working properly. What can happen somatic/psychically from the pancreas to the brain? If we are feeling the ups and downs of hypoglycemia, and its biochemical/neurological symptoms, it may undermine our sense of security, self esteem, and produce anxiety and fear.
What is the emotional component of diabetes and the pancreas? Often, it can be a poor sense of self-esteem and a fear of not being “good enough” or not belonging. These feelings, medicated by the serotonin foods, can lead us to not look deeply enough into what is causing our health concerns and allow the feeling/feeding cycle to continue.
On the nutritional side, the treatment for people with Mature Onset Diabetes is to decrease the stress on the pancreas by making changes in their diet -- decrease starches and sugars and decrease calories. Eat less, eat right. What kind of a diet would be best for preventing Mature Onset Diabetes? Vegetables, vegetables, and vegetables combined with lean proteins such as fish, chicken, water, a little fruit and a little fat. In a hypoglycemic situation, it is wise not to eat grain or sugar, but sprouted grain bread, and other substitutes can be healthy and satisfying.
Because hormones are chemicals, diabetes and hypoglycemia are both hormonal-based problems. What we know about the hormone system is that it works as a balanced interdependent system. Diabetes is an endocrine-related, systemic problem. With a systemic problem like diabetes, you have a body system problem--you do not just have a condition by itself. It is known that the pancreas is related, through hormone interaction, to the adrenals, and the adrenals are in turn related to the reproductive system. It is known that these glands are related through hormone interactions to the pituitary and the pituitary is related to the thyroid gland, the thyroid is related to the thymus, and the thymus is related to the immune system.
Environmental/Internal & External
The environment that we work in, live in, walk through, live near -- how does that environment have an impact on the way that we feel and the way we feel about ourselves?
How do we learn to trust in the order of the universe? By behaviors that come from trusting the order inside ourselves. We do this by setting boundaries -- codes of conduct of how we are going to behave, eat, work exercise and live. If we don't violate our own boundaries, we are less likely to let anybody else violate our boundaries. We have to start with ourselves. Our experience of victimization can begin with our own self-victimizing behavior.
Spiritual/World View
A Hindu Vendata truth is that “the whole world is one family”. It is said that there is only one disease, the disease of separateness, separating oneself from the awareness that we are one living organism. Competition creates isolation. The spiritual challenge presented by hypoglycemia and diabetes appears to be involved with over- or under-valuing the self: judgment of self and then others. Where are we in the process of getting to the truth that we are all equally important? The drama created by a one-up or one-down dynamic that we may allow to be part of our experience can lead to psychophysiology and the behavioral issues which can contribute to and create Mature Onset Diabetes.
Whole Health Education can transform our experience of taking care of ourselves. It can provide an understanding of our health concerns and conditions from this multi-dimensional perspective that makes sense in a way we can utilize the information directly and in a meaningful way. In addition, having the information provided in a mindful, respectful way that invites each of us to discern what we know about our health and condition, how to choose to resolve the problem and what kind of care we choose to have, allows each of us to experience whole-person health care through whole health information. Then, WE become the center of our health and healing process, rather than the doctors or practitioners we go to for guidance.
YARROW TEA (Achillea Millefolium)
An amazing tea that can help with colds and flu, and also help you see in pure colour. Yarrow has an ancient history. The generic name comes from Achilles who, according to legend, saved the lives of his warriors by healing their wounds with yarrow leaves. Crushed and rolled in the hands the plant provides a temporary styptic to check blood flow. Millefolium means 'thousand leaves' which were reputed to help with binding a wound and helping a scab to form. One of this astringent herb's ancient names is 'Soldier's Woundwort', along with 'Carpenter's Weed', 'Staunchweed' and others that show its popularity and prolonged use over many centuries.
The herb tea has also been used in the past for stimulating appetite, helping stomach cramps, flatulence, gastritis, enteritis, gallbladder and liver problems and internal haemorrhage - particularly of the lungs. It's effect is described as 'diaphoretic', causing the dilation of surface capillaries and helping poor circulation. The promotion of sweating can be useful for fevers and colds. Yarrow mixed with Elderflower and Peppermint (sometimes Boneset) is an old remedy for colds. A decoction of yarrow has been used for all sorts of external wounds and sores from chapped skin or sore nipples. In China Yarrow is still considered to have sacred properties, readers of the I Ching will often use Yarrow stalks in their studies.
There is one danger to overuse of yarrow internally: prolonged use of this tea may render the skin sensitive to exposure to light. It is this 'side effect' that shows that Yarrow tea has some mild psychotropic effect. A couple of cups of this tea and you may notice a shift in the colour and intensity of light around you. For artists or photographers this photosensitiser can sometimes provide a useful shift in perception. However, another name attributed to Yarrow is 'Devil's Plaything' - one suspects that this name was given to several herbs used by the witches or 'Wise Women' who were systematically exterminated in the middle-ages in Europe.
Yarrow leaves have also been used in tobacco or snuff mixtures and a decoction rubbed into the head is said to delay balding. To make Yarrow tea add two or three fresh or dried leaves per person to boiling water and leave to infuse for 5 minutes or so. Sweeten this with honey if you like. Some people like it with a slice of lemon to give this tisane a clean edge.
Vibrational Medicine
Vibrational medicine attempts to treat people with various forms of pure energy. The influence of alternative medical systems such as Chinese, Ayervedic or Tibetan medicine have led in part to the development of machines that can 'image energy'. Heat energy imagers are an accepted part of our technology. We readily accept imaging heat, even though we can't see it, because heat is something we can sense through touch. With the 'energy body' it is not so straightforward. Very few of us have experienced this for ourselves and there is apparently no sensory backup to tell us it is there.
Experiments in 'electro-acupuncture' and Kirlian photography have led to an energy map of the body identical to that shown in traditional Chinese medicine. The meridian system is seen as an interface between the physical body and the energy body. Applications of resonant energy to the meridian system promote healing in a number of dis-eases, by altering the energy of the 'root system' concerned in the dis-ease. Much of this work seems to be 'undercover' and information and the manufacture of equipment for treatments of this nature is actually suppressed through legislation.
The etheric body, acupuncture meridians, chakras and nadis and other multi-dimensional aspects of the human are described by ancient schools of healing throughout the world. Western medicine in its reductionist stance, ignores these aspects because they can't be studied under a microscope. Only now, at the beginning of the 21st century are some doctors starting to catch on.
Vibrational medicine interfaces with subtle energy fields that underly the functions of a physical body. It is based on the idea of resonant frequencies, similar to a tuned string on a musical instrument resonating with anything tuned to the same frequency, or an opera singer smashing a glass by singing at a certain pitch. Some sciences and philosophies have recognised vibrational elements as an important part of the universe. It is proving difficult to link these new sciences with the dogma of Western medicine. Even as long ago as 1928 Thomas Sugrue recognised vibrational elements at work in the human body:
"The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and elements of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in that particular organism. Each unit, then, being a cell or a unit of life in itself has the capacity of reproducing itself by the first the law as is known as reproduction-division. When a force in any organ or element of the body becomes deficient in its ability to reproduce that equilibrium necessary for the sustenance of physical existence and its reproduction, that portion becomes deficient in electronic energy. This may come by injury or disease, received by external forces. It may come from internal forces through lack of eliminations produced in the system or by other agencies to meet its requirements in the body." Edgar Cayce (1928) from There is a River by Thomas Sugrue.
Experiments in high-energy particle physics and the new field of quantum physics show us that nearly all matter is energy. In some sense we are made from 'frozen light'. As beings of energy we are influenced by and can be treated by energy and modern medicine is all too slowly realising this.
Medical science, alternative medicine and quantum science are merging in a few specific places. For example M.R.I. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) as mentioned previously, places the patient in a strong magnetic field that passes waves through the body. The computer creates an image by analysing changes in the magnetic alignment of the hydrogen protons in our cells. This is essentially an 'energy imager' but is used only for physical diagnosis.
A key principle behind M.R.I. is that the atoms under study (hydrogen) are being stimulated by the transfer of energy of a specific frequency. The energy is only absorbed by the atom if it is of a particular resonant frequency. Systems which produce frequencies that resonate with the biological phenomena being studied have the greatest chance of successfully imaging indicators of disease. M.R.I. promises much new diagnostic information about the body, showing even more detailed cellular pictures of structure and function. It is still looking at only physical molecular imaging - a sophisticated application of a Newtonian philosophy.
Cancer is already treated by radiation therapy, the application of gamma rays which can be focused at certain depths within a patient. This is used in a 'Newtonian science' way - primarily to destroy the lump. Any notions of vibrational levels that resonate with the patient are unresearched, because this aspect of us doesn't exist to Western scientific medicine.
What is needed now are imaging systems that allows healers to look to the level of energetic causes of illness and not just the biochemical abnormalities accompanying established disease. Truly preventative medicine awaits the development of an imaging system that will prove to doctors that there is more to human beings than mere flesh and blood.
Natural Remedies For Treating a Cold
Sometimes it can be hard to escape that shivery feeling that happens when you get too cold. A good immediate remedy for this is to wrap yourself up in a douvet and stick a hairdryer up it, (making sure the air flow is not restricted) until you feel warmed up.
Colds are the body's escape mechanism. When the whole system is overloaded it crashes. The body stresses out and the immune system drops its threshold. The nose releases toxic wastes in the form of mucous and the body often aches and feels exhausted. Pay attention to what your body is saying because an unchecked cold can become far more serious if you keep it buried.
If you are one of those people who can tell when you have a cold coming on, then it can be stopped, or at least minimised, in several ways. Firstly, rest is essential. There is no way your body will self-heal in a stressful situation. If you have to work, take it easy or delegate a bit more. Lemon juice, rose hips, parsley (not if you're pregnant) and fresh orange all contain vitamin C, so take them.
Some colds can actually be completely stopped dead by gently sniffing a mixture of lemon juice and warm water up your nose, if you are brave enough. Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds contain zinc which is important in cold prevention so take some of those. Otherwise its time to sweat those built up toxins right out through the skin. Start with a peppermint tea and take some garlic or garlic capsules. Then boil a large onion in milk for an hour, eat it, and drink the milk. Follow on with a steaming cup of lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and grated ginger which will stimulate circulation and sweating. Enjoy it in a mustard footbath which will also warm up the blood - use multiple and layered remedies and take them as an opportunity to treat yourself.
For a mustard footbath, take 1 tsp. yellow powder mustard and one of household soda (if you have hard water) and put them in a deep basin with some water as hot as you can stand. Keep your feet and lower legs in for about ten minutes, topping the bath up with fresh hot (not boling) water. Dry off, put on thick socks and climb into a freshly warmed bed, the earlier the better.