Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Focus Your Light Earning Money From Home When You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Or Fibromyalgia

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia can make you extremely ill, exhausted and weak. It means you only have a fraction of the waking hours that most people enjoy - and even those waking hours are often spent feeling ill, exhausted and with brain fog.

But you **can** do something in your day - it just may not be much...

... so all you have to do is 'focus your light' - focus your energy!

Most healthy people have oodles of energy - but many don't focus on anything in particular and so they don't feel that they get anything done.

In essence, many people - healthy or otherwise - sadly lack direction. They lack focus...

Even the tiniest amount of energy - directed every day (or every other day or basically, when you feel well enough) towards a goal - in the end, and after time, forms a huge result.

No matter how much energy you have - if you focus that little amount of the energy on working from home - setting up your own project - you will get there. After all...

... the snail wins the race!

It's not a question of:

"But how can I make money? I have nothing to sell!" - that's the one objection pretty much every Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia sufferer that I have talked to, initially comes up with.

I say 'initially' because after I've explained to them the different ways in which they can make money online, something 'clicks'...

All you need is a computer, the Internet, and a passion about something. ANYTHING!

We live in a world where knowledge is KING. People are hungry for knowledge - and everyone - EVERYONE - knows something about SOMETHING.

It might be about how to manage 3 kids during the holidays. It might be about your faith in a religion or about spirituality. It might be about your interest in history, pets, makeup, knitting, fishing, model planes, sport, massage, quilting, sewing, gardening, computers, chess, cooking, traveling, cars...

You might know about ways to entertain toddlers and young kids (for baby-sitters and young mothers). You might know about how to be super organized - or maybe you're good with numbers?

You may know a lot about your local area - its history - or great places to go out to - or beautiful nature trails in your area. You may know about an area you visit often on holiday...

What matters is that you know about something that you can write about - that you can either sell in the form of an e-book (easier than you think), or that you can put on your own web site (also easier than you think), to attract visitors.

Having your own web site on a topic you are passionate about is the BEST way to generate long-term income - if you do it properly.

The point is that YOU know SOMETHING about SOMETHING that SOMEONE ELSE wants to learn about! YOU have knowledge - that someone else is looking for!

The point is that the only thing you need to bring to the table is passion and the motivation to work...

...which won't actually feel like **work** when you're doing something you love anyway!

And the great thing about working on your own project is that you can work WHEN you want, for HOW LONG you want, and on WHAT you want.

If you can only manage 25 minutes one day, then that's 25 minutes more than you would have done if you had done nothing! If you can manage 2 hours on another day - even better! If you can't manage to do anything another day, then so be it!

It doesn't matter because you have no-one to answer to but yourself! Because it's YOUR project!

YOU set the pace...

... focus your energy and you can have your own income-earning web project in months.

This is so important that I'm going to repeat it!!!

Focus your energy and you can have your own income-earning web project in months!!!