If you’re sick of cold calling or you simply want to supplement your cold calling efforts then you need to be using the amazing power of email.
Email is so common of a tool that it is often overlooked especially in the profession of selling. Next time try sending an email instead of dialing that phone to try and talk to someone you’ve never met before.
Email has some major benefits over cold calls. The most major benefit is that your prospect can read your email when they have the time and it’s not going to interrupt their day like a cold call would. It also allows them to save your email and get back to you at a later date if you reach them at a time that’s not right. A cold call can’t do that.
So what do you do?
Well first you need to get the email addresses of your potential prospects. This is simple. Just about every business card has an email address on it. To collect emails you could also visit multiple businesses in a day collecting business cards that will fill your list of prospects to email. You can even buy a list from a list broker of targeted prospect’s email lists for fairly cheap if you want to save even more time.
After you obtain the email address you need to write your message. Write one message for your list of prospects but make sure to personalize each one before sending them out.
You want to make it personal yet professional. Greet them by name, introduce yourself and get right into your message. Don’t make it sound stuffy like your company’s brochure. Write the email as if you are telling a friend about your great product. Then to close the email you need a call-to-action. This is specifically telling your prospect what to do next. You could have them call you, fax you, or email you back.
Don’t underestimate this method. You will get a far greater response from this then you ever would from cold calling.