Monday, December 25, 2006

Does Acupuncture Work

Acupuncture Therapy

Chinese medicine is responsible for a number of natural therapies, and acupuncture is probably the best known of them. Basically, acupuncture works on the theory that your body contains energy centers at specific, strategic points. These energy centers are then linked to a particular part of the body. If you have a sore knee, for example, then the acupuncturist would locate the energy center links to that knee. This could well be located in a completely different part of the body. That's the point where very thin needles are then inserted to stimulate the energy center. The result? The pain in your knee is reduced or removed entirely, by accessing the central nervous system through the acupuncture point.

Acupuncture is used to treat many conditions, but pain relief is the most common. It's an odd concept - inserting needles into your body to reduce pain! But plenty of people find acupuncture. It's believed that as well as stimulating energy centers, acupuncture stimulates the production of endorphins, known as "feel good" chemicals, which also helps reduce the pain.

Other research has shown that acupuncture can assist the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells. It's also been shown that Alpha, Beta and Gamma Globulins increase after acupuncture therapy, and these assist in fighting infection and producing immune antibodies. Recently, acupuncture has been used to assist people recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. Acupuncture focuses on reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, tension, and inducing a feeling of relaxation.

Sports people at the highest level have turned to acupuncture therapy to help improve both their training and performance. Muscle tension inhibits performance, and acupuncture releases tension in both muscles and the surround tissue, as well improving the efficiency of the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Acupuncture can also be used to speed up recovery rates from injury and manage pain.

Allergies also respond well to acupuncture therapy. Harmless substances can cause the immune system to overreact, leading to an allergic reaction. Many allergies are triggered by common environmental factors such as dust, pollen and chemicals. Many people also suffer from food allergies, which can be triggered by wheat, milk and shellfish, amongst other things. Allergies are uncomfortable - stuffy nose, watery eyes and sneezing. In some sufferers, allergy reaction can result in extreme symptoms such as kidney problems, joint pain and depression. Detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system with acupuncture helps reduce or eliminate allergic reactions.

Many people turn to acupuncture therapy for more serious issues, such as bronchitis, asthma, hypertension and ulcers. Western medicine struggles to understand how acupuncture manages to be so effective, but the results speak for themselves. Some suggest that believing acupuncture will work is the reason it does, but that hasn't been proven. Sometimes, for more chronic conditions, massage and herbal remedies are used together with acupuncture therapy.

Other health issues that often respond well to acupuncture include PMS, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, menopause and menstruation problems. If you're interested in trying acupuncture therapy, find yourself a reputable local practitioner, then ring and have a chat with them about your health problems. This will give them the opportunity to say whether or not they think acupuncture can help you. The only way to know for sure is to give it a go.

Best Natural Acne Treatments Ever

Finding the best natural acne treatments ever really depends on who is looking. The mistaken notion is that teens mainly fall victim to acne.

However, you may be surprised to know that 80% of adults between 25-39 suffer with acne. Some still wage the acne battle well into their forties.

The dilemma for this group of acne sufferers is that they are seeking treatment that was formulated for a younger age group. They are using treatment for their acne that was made with younger skin in mind. More oilier skin.

The more mature acne sufferer is caught out. In a way they are forced to seek alternatives in the natural arena. This is not a bad alternative.

Natural medicines are toxic free and tend to zero in on the underlying causes. While the over the counter acne medications tend to zero in on symptoms only.

It is easy for this group to find the information for themselves on the internet. And many prefer to make their own concoctions to fight their acne battle.

The most all round, versatile acne treatment is Aloe Vera. This miracle plant can stand alone when battling many of todays diseases. Acne included.

It has healing properties that are second to none. It has been known to reduce inflammation, and hold acne off from an imminent attack. So it can also prevent the spread of acne.

Aloe Vera Gel stands out as one of the best natural acne treatments we can have in our arsenal. It also mixes well with other potent natural treatments.

Although Aloe Vera can be used as a moisturizer by itself, it can also be added to most any other product.

Acne brings with it pain, irritation, and pustules. Certain healing herbs can be made into a poultice and applied to the affected areas.

A really ancient but effective treatment is the use of the leaves of the strawberry plant.

Moisten the leaves with water and put them directly on the affected areas. You can even mash up the strawberry and apply it as a paste to the face.

Dandelion is very effective in fighting acne. Use the complete dandelion plant. Root, leaves, and stem. Chop, boil, simmer and then strain the dandelion. Use the liquid as a tea and/or apply it directly to the affected areas.

The best natural acne treatments are great because like dandelion, many can be used internally as well as externally.

It is a given that when acne surfaces there are internal problems that manifest themselves externally.

A singular focus on the skin is not a wholesome way to approach acne treatment. A two pronged attack is the way to go.

A wonderful penetrative agent is Tea Tree Oil. It can go very deep into the skin and spread its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Diet is another crucial plank. Fresh pumpkins and carrots loaded with beta carotene strengthen the immune system. Vitamins A, B complex and E uphold the integrity of the skin. Mix these with regular exercise and you are fortified against acne.

Is There a Natural Cure for High Blood Pressure

Of all the medical problems facing us today there is probably none more talked about then high blood pressure.
I seems that we all know someone who is on some type of blood pressure reducing medication. Yet there is a surprising reluctance on the part of many to actually find out about the problems posed by high blood pressure and the side effects of medication.
The most natural approaches are centred around diet and lifestyle. It is no surprise that a healthy diet underpins all approaches to controlling blood pressure. It does not warrant covering the basic principles, but for summary purposes a healthy diet has the following key hallmarks:
Fresh fruit and vegetables. At least 5 portions of each per day.
Restricted intake of fats. This means no fatty take aways, cookies, chocolates. Particularly, dieticians advise us to avoid "trans fats". These are the harmful "sticky" fats that cling to the artery walls restricting blood flow and therefore increasing blood pressure. low Cholesterol diets are a central consideration.
Plenty of exercise which increases aerobic capacity. Trainers and exercise physiologists are a great source of inspiration as well as specifically tailored exercise regimes that can target high blood pressure.
One of the greatest contributors to high blood pressure is stress. There is no doubt that if we can control the level of stress in our lives we would be well on the way to a longer and healthier life. So what can we don/ here is where I turn to the East. Yoga is one of the most singularly effective and valuable natural cure we can avail ourselves of. Although there are many physical benefits resulting from the wonderful stretches Yoga brings us, it is the mental side that possibly offers the greatest benefit. The meditation elements of just about all Yoga programs can bring about great relief from day to day stress and I strongly urge you to enrol in a local class.
Although there is plenty of information on the net, including books, videos and written programs, my experience is that the traditional Yoga masters handed down their teaching methods through a highly developed method. The benefit of this is clearly evident when you attend a traditionally trained Yoga Teacher. I have had some disastrous experiences from instructors who combine Yoga with other exercise regimes like Gym based exercises. In fact some have bee downright dangerous.
A specially trained Instructor will be able to advise which postures are suitable for your condition. Most inverted postures are avoided in high blood pressure cases, until the other benefits have manifested themselves.
In combining all these approaches, my preference is to do so in conjunction with traditional western medicine because you will be able to monitor your blood pressure whilst using a medical model. When the benefits start to become evident, concentrate on Natural methods for a longer happier life.

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea has been in use in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, it has been used for centuries as a stimulant, astringent and to improve heart health. It is an effective remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, and certain immune deficiencies. Research by the scientific world first confirmed it's health benefits only about a decade ago.

One main advantage is that it comes cheaper than many medicines and it is herbal. It has been researched a lot. Research shows that the most powerful antioxidant compounds in it are the polyphenols. They are flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG), and proanthocyanidins). Catechins in it are over 200 times more powerful than vitamin E and helps in neutralizing the pro-oxidants and free radicals that attack lipids in the brain. Catechins are also more potent than vitamin C. It is rich in vitamin C. EGCG is said to be brain permeable, and it protects the brain.

Green tea and alzheimers

EGCG decreased production of beta-amyloid, a protein that forms the plaques that clog the brains of Alzheimer's victims. Drinking more than two cups of it a day could cut the risk of dementia by half, had a 50 per cent lower chance of having cognitive impairment, compared to those who drank less than three cups a week. A British study found that drinking it inhibited three important brain-harming chemicals: acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, and beta-secretase. They are associated with breaking down chemical messengers and forming plaques and protein deposits in the noggin's gray matter which hinders clear thinking.

Green tea and arthrosclerosis

Artherscloerosis will initiate heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. Green tea has been extensively tested and been found to be highly beneficial in the reduction of blood pressure and aiding the recovery of heart attack victims. It also inhibits the unnatural formation of blood clots which have been known to cause thrombosis and stroke. Drinking it represses angiotensin II which leads to high blood pressure.

Green tea and autoimmune disorder

It protects from autoimmune disorders like xerostamina. It helps in reducing auto antigen levels in healthy cells while not in tumor cells and thus protecting the healthy cells.

Green tea and cancer

It helps in fighting as well as preventing cancer. Cancer is lower in countries where they drink lots of green tea. EGCG inhibit cancer by blocking the formation of cancer-causing compounds and suppressing the activation of carcinogens. It also inhibits cancer cells from growing. It binds to a specific enzyme called dihydrofolate reductase, in the body. Egcg helps in killing cancerous cells and stops its progression without attacking normal cells. There have been many studies that have shown that catechins in it are effective at preventing cancer. It helps in fighting bladder cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer,

Green tea and cholesterol

Drinking it helps to keep cholesterol on a healthy level by its inhibitory effect on the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and promote its excretion from the body. It also helps against clot related strokes. At least 5 cups a day are recommended.

Green tea and diabetes

People who drink lots of green tea or coffee every day could lower their risk of diabetes by 33 percent. Green tea polyphenols and polysaccharides are good in the reduction of blood sugar. The researchers who conducted test on rat concluded that results clearly show intervention with it can significantly decrease visceral fat deposit and increase insulin sensitivity.

Green tea and liver disease

Those who drink it daily are less likely to get disorders in the liver. It also appears to protect the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol. It may help treat inflammation of the liver. , protecting fatty livers from injury while reducing liver fat content by about 55 percent protect patients recovering from liver transplant. It can be a useful supplement in the treatment of liver disease and should be considered for liver conditions in which pro inflammatory and oxidant stress responses are dominant.

Green tea and skin care

It is anti-bacterial and helps in fighting acne and reduces inflammation. It protects the skin from the damage caused by ionizing radiation and aids in detoxification.

Green tea and weight loss

It helps in boosting metabolism and burn fat. It has thermogenic attributes which helps to raise the body temperature and burn calories up to 80 calorie daily. It also helps in fat oxidation. It helps in weight loss without raising heart beat. The thermogenic compound in green tea is caffeine. Other similar components in it that boost metabolism are theobromine and theophylline even though they are found in only small quantities . Recommended dose is 5 cups daily

Green tea and viral infection

EGCG strongly inhibited the replication of the HIV virus by blocking the binding of HIV envelope glycoprotein to human CD4 molecules on human T cells. Since this is, the first step in HIV infection it helps in preventing the first step in HIV infection. L-theanine in green tea triggers our body to produce 10 times their normal output of virus-battling interferon. Even gargling with it is effective when you have flu . They have strong antibacterial qualities.

Green tea side effects

Its extract has shown to be non-toxic but excessive amounts of caffeine from it may cause irritability, insomnia, heart palpitation, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache, loss of appetite, dizziness and nausea. . It has been in use for 5000 years and not much side effects noted other than caffeine content in it. If you are wary of caffeine you can take a decaffeinated green tea.

Varieties of Acupuncture Practiced Today

Originally developed in China, the ancient practice of acupuncture became popular as a method of bodily ailment relief. Soon this art spread to other countries and diversified in to new modified forms.

Korea, Vietnam, Japan, then Europe and America took up acupuncture and changed it to varying degrees based upon the countries different looks at the theory and techniques involved.

Basic underlying theoretical principals always remain the same but some styles of acupuncture vary greatly with diagnosis and technique. As yet there is no evidence that any one style of acupuncture is an improvement on another.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Abbreviated to TCM, this is the most commonly used type of acupuncture in the world. In addition to being practiced in China the United States is known to have a large number of practitioners.

Korean Hand Acupuncture

Peoples hands are focused on here, different areas related to other parts of the persons anatomy and potential 'disharmonies'. This technique is one of the so called 'microsystems' whereby one aspect of the body is used to treat ailments anywhere in the body.

Japanese Acupuncture

This particular acupuncture style is a more subtle form of TCM. The number of needles as well as the needle thickness is less. Stimulation is less pronounced in general.

Auricular Acupuncture

Another microsystem, ears are the focus here. Specific parts of the ear relate to other areas of the body and associated maladies. Pain control or drug addictions, e.g. alcohol and nicotine, are common uses for this acupuncture technique.

Medical Acupuncture

Defined as when a western world doctor administers acupuncture to a patient. Requirements for doctors to take up this practice are said to be more relaxed than is usual with the other techniques and therefore checking to see that the doctor is part of a recognized acupuncture group is essential.

Veterinary Acupuncture

Acknowledged and respected in its own right, requiring formal training and certification so as then to go on and practice, veterinary acupuncture is now practiced in most US states, many provinces in Canada and indeed other countries around the world.

These are just some of the main styles that can be found today. Many other variations exist e.g. Barefoot Doctor Acupuncture, Five Element Traditional Acupuncture and French Vietnamese Acupuncture. Often in today's practice acupuncture aspects from a variety of different styles are brought together to create a unique effect.

If you are considering taking up acupuncture of a particular style it is generally advised to always seek practitioners that are fully qualified in their particular discipline.

Did You Remember To Take Your Ginkgo Today

Ginkgo has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to cure many ailments but recently studies have shown that has promise in treating dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

This herb which is sometimes called ginkgo biloba, maidenhair tree, Japanese silver apricot or just simply ginkgo comes from the leaves of the ginkgo tree which is one of the oldest trees in the world said to have been growing on earth for over 150 million years. Ginkgo leaf extracts can be seen today in the form of tease tablets or capsules but in traditional Chinese medicine proceeds were most often used.

Traditionally Ginkgo has been used to treat conditions such as tinnitus, bronchitis, asthma and fatigue but today it is finding uses in treating dementia, multiple sclerosis and sexual dysfunction as well as tinnitus and a host of other health problems.

In recent times over 300 studies have been done on ginkgo and there is evidence that it helps many health problems and particularly those to do with the brain. This is because ginkgo works to increase the blood flow to the brain having positive effects in the cerebellum in particular. It is said to enhance memory and may help counteract mental fatigue and lack of energy which we take for granted as signs of aging.

Due to its benefits of increased circulation, ginkgo is also used to relieve anxiety and tension. It is also a powerful antioxidant and may help prevent cholesterol from turning into plaque which can then attach itself to artery walls constricting blood flow. This herb has also been used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins Raynaud's syndrome and can slow retinal deterioration since it increases blood flow to the retina. In addition to treating Alzheimer's disease and the elderly is also shown promise in treating hearing loss and can improve circulation to the feet and hands. In addition, it is being studied as a potential treatment for preventing the ejection of transplants, asthma and toxic shock syndrome.

Like any other herb, ginkgo does have side effects which include stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea, headache, dizziness or skin problems. Some data suggests that it can increase the risk of bleeding so anyone who takes anticoagulants or has surgery or dentistry scheduled should tak to their doctor about using ginkgo. while it's true that seeds were used in ancient Chinese medicine, uncooked seeds contain a chemical (Ginkgotoxin) that can cause seizures and eating a lot of seeds could cause death so it's advisable to avoid the seeds. The leafs and extracts from the leafs which is what is in most of today's herbal medicines contains very little of this toxin.

You should discuss taking this or any other herb with your healthcare provider before you start taking it to ensure that it will interact safely with other drugs you may be on or health conditions you might have.

A Look At Home Made Herbal Beauty Products

If you have ever been inspired to make your own beauty products at home but ultimately decided not to proceed because you were intimidated by the process, here are some suggestions for you:

Like any new venture, the best way to ensure success is by taking things one step at a time and adopting an open attitude. No one person, no matter how well versed in the subject, will ever know all there is to know about herbs. Feel free to learn at whatever pace makes you comfortable.

You might want to browse through the selections at your local public library to get a feel for the kind of information that is available. Then, when you find a particular guide book that suits your needs, you can go ahead and purchase one. Try to find one that you can use as a reference guide, with the properties of various plant products listed in an easy to read manner. You might well find yourself going to your garden or to the local market for remedies for common health ailments instead of your medicine cabinet or the drug store!

Once you have gained enough knowledge to be familiar with the different properties of herbs, you can then proceed to making use of them for whatever your needs may be. Some herbs act as a sedative, which is good for both body and mind. Still others are astringents, which is helpful if you are dealing with oily skin, while others are antiseptics, which may help those with acne.

Now that you know which herbs to use for your particular condition, how do you use them? One common way is by infusion. This is a lot like making tea. Using a glass container with a lid, boil the water (one pint of water for each ounce of herbs) first, then add the herbs (including stems and leaves). The mixture is then left to steep for about 10 minutes. Strain it, and then you can use the liquid in whatever fashion you choose.

Some natural products take the form of seeds, roots, or bark. If you would like to work with these items, the procedure is a little different: The best results are obtained if you used a small mortar and pestle to grind up the roots and seeds before you put them in the pot. This will help you get the most benefit from your ingredients by releasing their properties fully.

You need the to use a container made from a non metallic material, but in this case you need to bring the mixture to a slow boil and keep it boiling for about 15 minutes. The lid of the pot should not be put on tightly; instead, leave it at a bit of an angle to let steam escape. After 15 minutes, take the pot off the stove and let it steep for another few minutes (5 to 10 are recommended). Strain as above, and then use the liquid.

If you take the time to do some research first, the whole world of natural beauty products isn't really so intimidating. Figure out what you would like to treat, find out what herbs are needed and how to prepared them, and you will be well on your way to a whole new hobby.

Infant Formula Fortification Protocol

A mother's breast milk is nature's perfect and complete food for babies and can't even come close to being reproduced. With so many substances known to be present in breast milk, but unable to be replicated in breast milk substitutes (formula), plus all of the as-yet unidentified constituents, it should come as no great surprise that children today are suffering from a vast myriad of illnesses and disorders.

The human brain is infinitely more sophisticated than the world's fastest computer, yet many people naively think that this wondrous organ can be perfectly constructed without any regard to the "raw materials" required. Building a properly functioning brain requires the right materials, just as building a computer would. Imagine trying to build a computer from scratch, without any microchips, or trying to build a house without any lumber, bricks, steel, or other materials.

However, while there is no way to create a formula equal to breast milk, there are steps that can be taken to improve somewhat upon the standard formulas that are available.

One of the nutritional areas that are woefully inadequate with formulas is in regards to their fatty acid content. With all of the anti-fat propaganda going on these days, most people don't realize the critical importance of fat, especially with infants. Not only is the quantity important, but the quality and breakdown of the types of fat supplied as well. After all, the brain is 60% lipid (fat). Of this fat, approximately 12 % is arachidonic acid (AA) and 17% is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Many people have heard about the benefits and importance of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, found primarily in fish. The importance of DHA in the infants' diet recently prompted many countries (not including the US) to allow formula producers to fortify their products with DHA, as well as AA. Currently, DHA/AA enhanced formulas are available, although not mandatory, throughout most of Europe. Unfortunately, this small step still does not provide infants the nutrients they desperately require, due to several problems.

First of all, the DHA added to the formulas, obtained from microalgae, is highly oxidized (approximately 30%). Additionally, DHA and AA are not the sole fat constituents of breast milk. Fortifying with them is a step in the right direction, but still leaves out plenty of important substances.

In an effort to help people provide their infants with the best possible nutrition, we often instruct mothers to "create" fortified formulas. But of course we insist that mothers breastfeed if at all possible or even obtain fresh breast milk from a lactating friend or relative, if they have adopted a baby, or can't breastfeed for some reason.

For the infant to remain as healthy as possible, he must obtain a proper balance of all the essential fats, which is difficult to impossible, especially when you are changing Mother Nature and trying to create a formula.

However, below is a basic fat fortification protocol, which attempts to come as close as possible to "the real thing":
• Carlson's Cod Liver Oil - one cc per ten pounds of body weight
• Organic egg yolk - 1 yolk daily added at four months of age
• Organic cream ideally non-pasteurized and non-homogenized -- If you are unable to find a local dairy farmer who will cooperate with you please try this link:
• Omega Nutrition pure sesame, walnut, safflower, sunflower, oils (rotate with above) - 1 teaspoon daily
• One teaspoon high quality coconut oil. This oil needs to be heated to 76 degrees to become a liquid.

Supplemental oils like fish oils can't be added to bottles because they will adhere to the sides, so it is necessary to administer directly into the mouth. But base oils as safflower, sunflower and sesame can be blended into the formula.

It is important, if not breastfeeding, to use one of the commercially available formulas as a "base" from which to fortify the infant's diet. Although some people might be tempted to create their own homemade formula, I don't recommend this approach, as it is just too dangerous that something could be inadvertently left out or added in too great a quantity. A mistake could cost an infant his life.

Nutramagen or Alimentum can be used as a base infant formula and 'doctored up' with nutritional perks. Both of these formulas are acceptable in regard to the 'allergic' aspect, and are the ones usually used when children cannot tolerate anything. Of course, they are also the most expensive.

Makes about 35 ounces
This stopgap formula can be used in emergencies, or when the ingredients for homemade formula are unavailable.
• 1 cup Mead Johnson low-iron, milk-based powdered formula, Nutramigen or Alimentum are best and better tolerated but are more expensive
• 29 ounces filtered water (3 5/8 cups)
• 1 large egg yolk from an organic egg uncooked. Do not give to infant unless older than four months of age
• 1 teaspoon cod liver oil

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend thoroughly. Place 6-8 ounces in a very clean glass bottle. (Store the rest in a very clean glass jar in the refrigerator for the next feedings.) Attach a clean nipple to the bottle and set in a pan of simmering water until formula is warm but not hot to the touch, shake well and feed to baby. (Never heat formula in a microwave oven!)

If your baby is premature, one additional area of fortification is in the area of free amino acids, most notably taurine. This nutrient is also critical for infant development and is found in human milk but not in cow's milk. Although many formulas add some taurine, it has been shown that formula-fed infants have lower levels of taurine in their blood than breastfed infants do, even when the formula has added taurine.

Contrary to the advice given by some, soy milk, almond milk, or carrot juice, even if organic and homemade, are most definitely NOT ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTES FOR BREAST MILK, or even for formula.

For those mothers who are breastfeeding, it is important to realize that the essential fatty acid content of her breast milk coincides with what she eats. Therefore, her diet is very important for the health of her baby. One of the most important things that a breastfed mother can do is to avoid foods containing trans fats, such as margarine and anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.

While one can't guarantee that taking the steps outlined above will completely eliminate problems such as ADD/ADHD and other behavioral problems, developmental problems, autism, visual difficulties, and others, I believe it is a strong possibility that it could help to reduce their incidence, although it is important to always remember that BREAST IS BEST.

How To Use Natural Herbs For Healing

With cold and flu season coming up, many of us would benefit from using a vapor bath to help open the sinuses and facial pores. To start, place the herbal mixture you have chosen into a pot of boiling water and let it steep (covered) for about 10 minutes.

Make a tent with a towel over your face and neck and put your face down over the uncovered pot. Be careful; you certainly don't want to get scalded! If the steam is too hot, you can wait a short time and try again or add some cold water. Breathe deeply and enjoy!

Adding herbs to your bath water can be therapeutic. Make sure the bath is warm enough to be comfortable (somewhere around 90 degrees is recommended). You can choose sea salt, herbs, or a combination of the two. If you would like to add herbs, one way to introduce them to the water is to hang tea bags under the spout as the water fills up the tub. Herbs can also be added to water for a refreshing foot bath.

When using herbs, it is important to educate yourself about the different properties associated with different kinds, to ensure that you will get the benefit you are seeking from whatever herb or combination you choose. Check that the herbs you choose are pesticide free. Be sure that you are using natural products in a safe manner; some of them are safe to be used on the skin but will cause illness (or worse) if ingested. In the beginning, it would be prudent to experiment with just one herb at a time. If you have an adverse reaction, you will at least know which type of herb you are allergic to.

When starting out, a good choice is to work with the Aloe Vera plant. Known as the "healing plant", the juice from the leaves of the Aloe Vera can be applied to any kind of skin condition. It is especially useful to take the sting out of burns including sunburns.

These hardy plants can be grown at home by even the brownest thumb. They are very easy to use: simply peel off one of the leaves from the base of the plant and tear or cut it open. It's the "juice" inside that you will want to apply to your skin. The most convenient way to accomplish this is to simply squeeze it directly onto the skin irritation. No special preparation is required and the stinging will stop very quickly. The properties contained in Aloe Vera also help the skin heal quickly.

As you get to know more about herbs, you will be able to add to your repertoire of applications for them. Perhaps you will start your own herb garden!

Beginners Guide to the Do is and Do nots of Aromatherapy

Increasingly popular, aromatherapy is beginning to make major inroads into peoples around the world.

As with anything being tried for the first time alongside the certain attractive things that drew you to the subject in the first place there are various pitfalls to avoid. This article details how you should go about your first steps towards full integration within what is a superb lifestyle enriching practice:

Do: Research as many things about aromatherapy as you can. Use a range of sources from library books and the internet to talking with people who know aromatherapy well. Safety is of primary concern when practicing aromatherapy. Always read the labels on essential oil containers. Medical conditions of any sort should be thoroughly referenced with potential dangers associated with essential oil use.

Do: Try to learn the common and also the species specific Latin names associated with particular scents. Many varieties of common names may apply to a particular Latin name. Conversely a common name may well be used in a relaxed manner to describe a number of different specific Latin names. Indeed, knowledge of the what product names apply to the plant ingredients contained within is also important. Some container labels refer to mixes of oils. 'Bay Essential Oil' is used for two different oils, each coming from a different plant extract, Latin names Pimenta racemosa and Laurus nobilis. The chemicals taken from a particular species of plant can differ massively from another species, therefore the scent and its uses can likewise be completely at odds with each other.

Do: Use reputable mail-order companies to buy your essential oils from. Typically such companies have purer oils at lower prices than your local high street health shop. Oil quality differs widely, so look around carefully. Read reviews where ever they occur, e.g. online discussion forums or magazines, obtain free samples and talk to people to see which oils work best for them. Companies sometimes make false claims over the purity of their oils in an attempt to try to increase their sales.

Do: House your own essential oils in dark cobalt blue or amber glass containers in a dark and cool location. Wooden unfinished hinged boxes or even wooden computer floppy disc storage containers work well. Once housed in an appropriate container small leaks are not so problematic when they occur, and essential oil transport is made easy.

Do: Look at what country the oil came from, has the production been environmentally sound? Quality sellers of essential oils should know, and be ready to impart, information such as organic status, wild-crafted or ethically farmed practices used with any of the oils on offer.

Don't: Purchase essential oil containers that have a rubber glass dropper top. The high concentration of many essential oils increases the chances of corrosive chemicals therein, this often leads to such tops being chemically reacted with and turned to a gum that ruins the oils consistency and/ or aroma and associated benefits.

Don't: Avoid purchasing perfume oils, these chemicals do not have the health benefits associated with aromatherapy essential oils and can be very expensive. Even if the only aspect you are interested in is the scent essential oils when breathed in do improve your wellbeing.

Don't: Craft shows, street fairs and other short-duration events are not the best places to buy essential oils since unscrupulous vendors in the past have been known to target people new to aromatherapy knowing that once their inferior products are sold you can't get your money back. Take this point as a precaution! Reputable companies do go to these events but if you are new to buying oils and want to have a look around simply be careful.

Do: Above all, enjoy becoming acquainted with this fantastic world of scents and health benefits.

Natural Louse Remedy Get Rid of Head Lice Once and for All

If you're wary of putting pesticides in your child's hair to get rid of head lice (something you should be wary of, if you are not), then you should consider a natural louse remedy. Natural remedies for louse are a very effective way of eliminating your child's louse. They work by using a holistic approach; that is to say that they use holistic medicine to determine the entire scope of the problem prior to treatment. This makes holistic healing remedies for lice the most effective way to naturally eliminate lice. Here are the ways in which nature can be used as a tool to eliminate your child's lice.

Look in your Pantry to Heal Lice

One of the most innovative, yet practical ways of eliminating lice was just recently discovered. By using a fine tooth comb, you can comb out all of the eggs laid by mature lice, to prevent more lice from infesting your child's head. Unfortunately, this does not take care of the mature lice.

After the combing process, saturate your child's hair in a combination of olive oil and essential oils. Afterward, put a shower cap on your child's head for two hours. The result will be that the adult lice, covered in oil, will suffocate and die. Finally, wash your child's hair two-three times after the oil saturation; that's how many times it will take to completely clean your child's hair of the oils.

Advantages to Natural Healing

A natural healer is a much more safe approach to eliminating your child's lice than chemical products, such as lindane (the traditional head lice cure). In fact, some research has found lindane to be a dangerous carcinogen, making it an even more unattractive head lice healer.

As a parent, you should have the right to be able to use remedies and medicine to help your child without the risk of causing your child to have problems such as cancer. Why take a chance with a chemical agent that contains potentially dangerous compounds to cure your child's lice. It only makes sense for a person to use remedies and natural medicine that will not only cure the problems your child is facing, but also promote a healthier lifestyle.

Natural Hair Care Products

When it comes to natural healing, you should always trust the professionals. Certainly the above mentioned oil treatment can get the job done, but unfortunately, the entire process is a failure if you miss even one egg. To get the results you need, you should consider purchasing a professional natural healing remedy.

This will ensure that, not only is your child being treated without dangerous chemicals, but also the treatment will be effective and you will get what you paid for. This is the safest way to get rid of your child's lice without the risk of him or her being exposed to potentially dangerous carcinogens. Remember, you and you alone are responsible for your child's health; make sure you do what you can to keep your child as healthy as possible.

Feeling Pushed to the Side Concerning Your Health

"Mary" came in to our offices last week with multiple complaints. She had already been the normal route of going from specialist to specialist. She had tried just about every drug known to mankind... antidepressants, pain pills, acid reflux meds, synthetic hormones (birth control at the age of 51!) and STILL had so many complaints. Every time she told her doctor of a new or old complaint... she was prescribed yet another pill to "do away with the symptom". Not one doctor had ever asked her about her diet. Not one doctor ever did a test to determine "WHY" she had the symptoms she had. In many cases they listened only to the symptoms and then prescribed pain meds or psychiatric drugs to basically shut her up.

Ok... so this sounds like I'm getting ready to take off on doctors... and I'll really try to refrain from doing so. But the fact of the matter is this... some doctors simply must not even look at test results... maybe they're relying on someone in their own office to do it for them. Doesn't really matter. YOU are the one who gets pushed to the side and not handled right. And certainly you need to understand this is not always the case... some doctors are right in there pitching with their clients and doing the best they can. But sadly there is becoming a large majority who simply are not paying attention to YOU.

Medical errors, which cause as many as 195,000 deaths a year, are "an unmitigated epidemic". Americans spend for health care 60% more than Europeans, for mediocre results. More people die each year in the United States from medical errors than from highway accidents, breast cancer or AIDS, a federal advisory panel reported a few months ago. (and that's only the ones
that are kept track of and reported!). At least 1.5 million Americans are sickened, injured or killed each year by errors in prescribing, dispensing and taking medications, the influential Institute of Medicine concluded in a major report released July 2006. The report said the actual numbers are probably much higher. Mistakes in giving drugs are so prevalent in hospitals that, on average, a patient will be subjected to a medication error each day he or she occupies a hospital bed, the report by a panel of experts said. The report found errors to be not only harmful and widespread, but very costly as well. The extra expense of treating drug-related injuries occurring in hospitals alone was estimated conservatively to be $3.5 billion a year.

Who do you think pays for this? You do... higher insurance rates, higher health costs. As far as I'm concerned these stunningly high rates of medical errors -- resulting in deaths, permanent disability and unnecessary suffering -- are simply unacceptable in a medical system that promises first to 'do no harm'.

Ok... so what CAN you do?
1. Be informed! Insist on copies of all tests. Communicate to your doctor on what other doctors may have told you to do (what meds you are on, etc.). Doctors know very little about natural solutions and may actually be intimidated by your use of other means to handle your health. Help them understand.
2. Go Shopping! make the doctor sit and talk to you. If he or she is unwilling... find another doctor. Remember... you pay them... they certainly don't pay you... you are the consumer... you wouldn't put up with someone at the local department store treating you the way some doctors treat you! Shop till you find one that will support you and care about you. Don't ever be intimidated!
3. Back it up! Whatever your doctor has you do... back it up naturally with correct supplements or diet to ensure the problem doesn't repeat or to get to the real CAUSE of the problem... Don't just settle for "symptom handling"... Always go for the CAUSE.
4. Natural is not always SAFE! Hard to believe I said that... but it's true. Self- "medicating" yourself naturally can get you in a ton of trouble and you can create more imbalances that you started out with.

I've seen ladies come in who are buying "progesterone" creams over the counter because their massage therapist said it was good... or the lady at the health food store said it was great and worked for her. Well, that's all fine. But if you don't dose it properly you can under-use it and end up thinking it doesn't work or you can over-dose and create further problems. Or you can create a further imbalance if other hormones are also needed.

I've had clients come in with bags full of "over the counter" vitamins and yet they're as "sick as dogs"... the reason? They are taking too many supplements and creating further imbalances in their body! Getting educated through correct testing is the key to good balanced health. We always strongly suggest Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Saliva Hormone testing along with the traditional blood tests to get a complete picture of what is truly happening in YOUR body.

I hope I've enlightened you enough for you to take correct action for your health and the health of your loved ones. The solution to a health problem is not to treat the symptoms only. That's kind of like having the engine light turn on inside your car and you running to the mechanic and telling him to turn that darn light off! Well... he can certainly pull the plug and turn the light off... but the reason for it turning on in the first place is still there... and eventually... your car will simply stop running. So don't be surprised when that happens to your body if you've been busy "turning the symptoms off"!

Psychiatry The Path to Destruction

Many psychiatrists have placed themselves on top of the pedestal as the last bastion of help; as experts in the field of the mind; as those who know best when it comes to raising children, fixing relationships, handling depression, judging sanity and insanity, educational failures and so much more. They hold degrees from higher institutions to back up these claims and they demand high hourly fees or are highly paid witnesses.

Interestingly enough they hold the distinction of having the highest rate of insurance fraud convictions and the highest rate of suicide amongst their own ranks. A large number of their own families and they themselves suffer from many of their own made-up diseases that they claim they can cure yet this profession still purports that they can help the rest of us.


These are the people who are driving drugs into the schools; who are excusing poor scholastic performance under the guise of "feel-good" education; who routinely bilk healthcare insurers (and thereby the public) of millions of dollars a year in spurious "treatments" which yield demonstrably negative results and in many cases do not occur at all. These are the people who advocate torture in the form of electroshock and who have tasked themselves with reorganizing the way the world educates its young and deals with its "abnormals". Yet these are also the people who not only cannot agree on definitions of the diseases they claim to be able to treat, but openly admit that they don't know what they're doing.

THESE ARE THE PEOPLE who actively seek to wreck our culture and our civilization by legitimizing a viewpoint that treats man as an animal, incapable of improvement and doomed to a life of limitations. In the hands of psychiatrists, Beethoven would have been tranquilized, Rembrandt lobotomized, and Jesus Christ given ECT, put in restraints and locked away, never to see the sky again.

IF YOU ARE WONDERING why the world seems to be coming apart at the seams, why crime, illiteracy, drug abuse and moral decline, depression, suicides, psychotic behaviour, divorce, etc. continue to make headlines daily, and why those who SAY they can do something about mental health CANNOT, you are not alone.

IF YOU WANT to find out about psychiatry, you can't do much better than listen to the psychiatrists themselves. They will tell you exactly what they think about the human condition, what can be done about it, and how they believe the sane man (and therefore the ideal society) should function.

DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT: Others have come to their senses and know exactly what's going on. Those few who have the courage to speak out against the majority in their profession deserve attention as well.

"What's happening in the training of psychiatrists and in the quality of a psychiatrist is that they have become drug pushers. They have ... forgotten how to sit down and talk to patients as to what their problems are." - Walter Afield, psychiatrist, 1994
"... in 40 years, 'biological psychiatry' has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything 'neurological', 'biological', 'chemically imbalanced', or 'genetic'." Dr. Fred A. Baughman Jr., Pediatric Neurologist "Malpractice and Violation of Informed Consent"

"... modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the genetic/biological cause of any single mental illness ... Patients [have] been diagnosed with 'chemical imbalances' despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim, and ... there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like." - David Kaiser, psychiatrist; "Commentary Against Biological Psychiatry" - Psychiatric Times, December 1996

"What do you do when you don't know what to do? No wonder there are more suicides among psychiatrists than in any other profession." Psychiatrist R. D. Laing - Wisdom, Madness, and Folly, p. 126
"The way to sell drugs is to sell psychiatric illness." - Carl Elliot, Bioethicist ; University of Minnesota, 2001

"We don't have an independent, valid test for ADHD; there are no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction ... and finally, after years of clinical research and experience with ADHD, our knowledge about the cause or causes of ADHD remains speculative." - National Institute of Health; Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis; and Treatment of ADHD, 1998

"The field of mental health is highly subjective, capricious, and dominated by whims, mythologies, and public relations. In many ways it is a pop culture with endless fads but with no real substance." Dr. Walter Fisher - Assistant Superintendent, Elgin State Hospital - Power, Greed, and Stupidity in the Mental Health Racket

"The young and the old are defenseless against relatives who want to get rid of them by casting them into the role of mental patient, and against psychiatrists whose livelihood depends on defining them as mentally ill." - Thomas Szasz, psychiatrist ; Cruel Compassion, 1994

The headlines of today's newspapers tell tales of people driven to acts that can only be termed insane: students who come to school armed for mayhem, workers who blaze away at their fellows, killers stalking innocent victims for no reason at all, mothers who kill their innocent children.

But if these people are driven to madness, who's doing the driving? Digging deeper into the scene, one finds time and again evidence of psychiatrists hard at work, causing the very insanity that they claim to be able to treat. Evidence: Adolf Hitler (yes... he was being treated by psychiatry BEFORE the Holocaust!); Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, George Washington (yes, he too died at the hands of psychiatric treatment!), Ernest Hemingway, John Hinckley (prior to shooting John Lennon!), Kip Kinkel, Columbine shooters, Andrea Yates, Shawn Cooper, and the list can go on for miles... More than 80% of suicides are PRECEDED by the use of psychiatric type treatments (drugs, therapy, etc.).

Why am I writing this article now? Because I'm frustrated of having to clean up and educate the very people that so many psychs have ruined. And make no mistake about it... it's virtually everyone... we have become a nation of fast fixes, "no responsibility", "spectators to life", lacking a true view of ourselves as spiritual beings, humanoids! We view our bodies as "who we are" instead of the thing separate from us that we are in control of. We look for sensations and pleasures. We get our education from the TV commercials about what drugs to tell our doctors we want to ingest that will hopefully change our lives... instead of changing our lifestyles! There is not one person who has not been influenced by psychiatric propaganda. (except the few who have risen above it and are willing to step outside the box and get educated.

The side effects of anti-depressants and drugs like Ritalin, Adderall, Zoloft, Prozac, etc. will fill pages: suicide ideology, blocks the production of hormones, depression, headaches, addiction, high blood pressure, weight gain, impotence, sleep disturbances, itching, dry mouth, dizziness, gastritis, and the list goes on and on... These drugs do more damage and have yet to CURE anyone of the so-called mental diseases.

Our recent culture has been marred greatly by the underhanded dealings of psychiatrists... but as you noticed earlier in this article... there are a few brave souls out there within that profession who have taken a stand against their own group.

You as a consumer or natural health practitioner/consultant simply do not have to bow down to their domination any longer. There are solutions out there that are natural and work. Sure... you may be in such a mess right now that you still want that quick fix... I understand. Now let me point something out to you... there is not A PILL that will handle your life for you. Only YOU can handle your own life.
There is no such thing as ADD or ADHD. There is no disease of Alcoholism. There is no disease of being BI-POLAR. There is no disease of being Manic-Depressed. YES, there are SYMPTOMS! That I know. But they are NOT diseases that need mind altering addictive drugs... those drugs CURE NOTHING! Never have, never will. And YES... fixing the problem takes work.

I understand that not everyone reading this or everyone out there will rise to the occasion and do what they have to do to help themselves reach health and happiness. I understand that I might step on the toes of some doctors. I understand that some of you simply still want the quick fix. But for those of you who are determined to get your life back, determined to do something about it, determined to not live a life drugged, dulled, and numbed... well... you are the ones we in the natural health field want to help.

DESPITE ALL that the psychiatrists and their cohorts would have you believe, remember that there is hope. No one is doomed to a life bound by drugs, shock, psychosurgery, or worse. No society or individual is doomed to the degradation of going to "Hell in a hand-basket". Much can be done to help the individual naturally. I urge all doctors to learn the truth and quite treating symptoms alone. I urge all patients to sit up, take notice that continuing to do the same thing over and over again simply will not result in a change! Get educated. Become pro-active. Take control of your health and find a natural health practitioner that will assist you in preventing and rebuilding.

How to Harvest Manufacture and Use Cypress Clementine and Copaiba Essential Oils

Essential oils are a major part of aromatherapy. How these strong, pungent and lasting aromas are created is often a mystery to the consumer. What follows are details on three commonly used essential oils, where they are found, how they are extracted and what combinations of oils they can be used with.

Cypress Needles

Cupressus sempervirens, common in France the needles can be cut off and steamed to receive the oils contained within. This evergreen oil is a well known astringent, especially beneficial on skin that is very oily. Respiratory and blood circulatory ailments have been purportedly treated effectively with this oil.

Arthritis pain sees this aroma often work its magic when in combination with other oils, as a blend. Muscle ache or cramps associated with the menstrual cycle have also been beneficially treated with cypress oil. May also work on hemorrhoids.

Adding a hint of cypress to the traditional oils of Jasmine and Rose used to treat grievances, providing a slightly less sweet and fresher note to the concoction is highly recommended. This is the perfect arrangement of scents for a man who has had a spot of grief, been sacked, split up with a spouse or even maybe having suffered a loss.

One last use for this scent could be as a study aid as it is believed to help with concentration.

This oil goes well when mixed with Clary Sage, Fennel, Rose, Juniper, Lavender, Lime, Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Pine and Pink Grapefruit.

Clementine Petitgrain

Citrus Clementine, typically from France, the rind can be steamed so as to collect the scent.

Bitter orange Petitgrain is largely what this oil scent represents, but with a sweeter, softer far more noticeable citrus accent.

This scent is emotionally encouraging, when mixed with Vetiver it is a strong anti-anxiety concoction. Helping with aiding sleeping, it is often used well just before bed, aiding the relaxation of your mind. Has been reported as a great oil for relieving rapid heartbeats or insomnia, and also for creating blends of oils with a deodorant effect.

Clementine Petitgrain can be infused well with Bergamot, Geranium, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Rosewood, Lime, Lavender, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Orange, Neroli and Palma Rosa.

Copaiba Balsam

Copaifera officinalis, common in Brazil, this oil can be easily extracted through steam distillation from resins.

Although with no real powerful tang of Cistus, this resin scent has a soft, sweet and warm atmosphere. Vanilla and honey notes make this oil a brilliant autumn scent, inviting and cozy. Uncommon with the majority of oil scents that have been extracted from resins, this oil is a heart note, not a base note, and doesn't last particularly long.

Copaifera officianalis has been used for pulmonary infections, inflammation or bronchial infections, it is generally very effective as part of most respiratory blends of oils. Lymphatic circulation is also known the be improved with this scent. Copaiba can be a relatively non-expensive extender to a lymph drainage blend consisting of Cistus essential oils.

Since this chemical is not well known it should not be used on grazed or cut skin. Used at normal diluted levels this essential oil is largely non-toxic/ irritating.

Mosquito Bites Remedy and Repellents

It's a nice summer day and you're relaxing in your yard. Suddenly, you feel something bite you. You may begin to itch, when another bite takes place, and then another. It's those pesky mosquitoes again. Why do these insects annoy us and what can we do about it?

Mosquitoes have been around for millions of years. These insects have many sensors on their tiny bodies, which enable them to seek out humans for their attacks. Mosquitoes hatch from eggs, which need water to develop. When they complete the stages of their life cycle leading them into adulthood, they leave the water. Interestingly enough, it is only the female mosquito that bites, because she depends on blood for protein for her eggs. The male mosquito feeds on plant nectar.

The first line of defense against these pesky creatures is avoidance. Since mosquitos are attracted to smells, you should avoid wearing perfumes and strong hairsprays in the summer. Insect repellents such as DEET are also very effective. Wearing long sleeves and pants when possible and limiting your outdoor activities between dusk and dawn helps as well. The time between dusk and dawn is the peak time for mosquitoes. It is also wise to drain standing water on your property, as mosquitoes need the water for their life cycles. Also, repair or install screens in your home's windows and doors. Some recommend taking one tablet of vitamin B-1 twice a day as a use to repel these nasty creatures.

If you do fall victim to mosquitoes, there are a number of remedies you can use to help with the discomfort of their stings. Instead of scratching, try hitting the bite. It is the scratching that will cause swelling. You can also apply an ice pack to deal with the symptoms or use cool compresses. Calamine lotion or anti-itching lotions such as a 1% hydrocortisone cream will help to relieve the itching. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antihistamines can control your symptoms as well.

Among the remedies found in your home, mint toothpaste is probably the best known. By applying this to the infected area, the itching and swelling will be relieved. Putting rubbing alcohol or vinegar on the area is also effective. Mixing meat tenderizer with water or vinegar to form a paste, and spreading it over the swelling is something else you can try. Some claim a deodorant or antiperspirant rolled over the area will do the trick. Visine or plain old lemon juices are also some remedies. If all else fails, you can always try an oatmeal bath.

Another remedy is to try rubbing a wet bar of soap over the bite until a paste forms. Sometimes wetting the bite and putting salt on it will work. Dabbing witch hazel on the bite will also help the itch. Some suggest painting the bite with clear nail polish to relieve your symptoms. If you happen to be at work, try putting a piece of scotch tape over the bite for a while.

The main reason for these remedies, beside relief, is to control the itching so it doesn't lead to bleeding, scabbing, or possible secondary infections. Just keep in mind that although we might view mosquitoes as pesky creatures, in rare instance they can be dangerous. They can transmit fatal diseases such as mosquito borne encephalitis, malaria, and West Nile virus. Protection goes a long way.

Poison Ivy Remedy Stop the Itch

Poison Ivy affects thousands of people each year in the United States. It accounts for around 10% of the loss of work time in the job world. Poison ivy is caused from the sap of the Poison Oak, Poison Ivy ,or Poison Sumac plants. These plants grow heartily throughout the United States. Urushiol, a skin irritant, is contained in the sap. This is what causes itching and produces dermatitis. Reactions can range from moderate itching to an emergency situation where swelling occurs.

If you are exposed to poison ivy, you should wash all your clothes, bedding, tools, and pets which may have also come into contact with the plant. If you do not do this, you can become re-infected after you are eventually cured. Next, if the itching is intolerable, run the hottest water bearable over the irritated skin. Although this will make it get worse before it gets better, it needs to be done. Once the blistering occurs, it is wise to cover it with sterile gauze to guard against infection. An over-the-counter antihistamine, such as Benadryl, will also help with the itching.

If the itch is still bothersome after these steps, there are some home remedies that can also be tried. For example, bathing in room temperature water with ½ cup baking soda added is one method you can use. This can be likened to an oatmeal bath, except it is cheaper and you're using items you may already have on hand. Baking soda is believed to pull the urushiol out of the skin. A baking soda paste can also be made and rubbed on the rash. When it hardens, simply wash it off. Vinegar combined with baking soda results in a paste mixture. Scrub this paste on the rash with a washcloth and rub hard.

Some other remedies consist of kitchen items. Rubbing banana skins on the rash has been known to offer long relief. Warm vinegar applied to the blisters three to four times a day, followed by calamine lotion at night is another treatment. Cooked oatmeal applied to the rash until it is hardened, and buttermilk dabbed on the affected area has also helped some. Another remedy is Desitin diaper rash ointment.

Since poison ivy keeps its poison in an oil base, showering with a detergent that attacks oil (such as Dawn or Joy) the oil will be released from your skin. This usually has the best results when done within the first twenty minutes of infection.

Other remedies can range from Windex treatments to Pine Sol and Clorox treatments. A word of caution to the sensitive skin sufferer: Be careful with the treatments you use, since you can very well exacerbate the situation. And if you're not comfortable using home treatments, you can always call your doctor and get a prescription medication to help. You can also stop by the pharmacy and ask for an over-the-counter treatment option.

Most Poison Ivy rashes occur within 24 to 48 hours after contact with the plant. In 15% of all poison ivy cases, people experience an allergic reaction and break out in a rash and swelling in 4 to 12 hours. In cases like this, do not try home treatment. Go to a hospital as soon as possible to get the swelling reduced. This is usually done with a shot of corticosteriods.

Why a Colon Cleanse May Help You

As we sow, so we reap; thus goes an old adage. A proper colon health is very much a function of our eating habit apart from a few other aspects. The normal problems leading to colon cleanse are directly related to our typical diet, in America, which comprises of processed foods that are low in fiber content with preservatives, flour and sugar in addition to saturated fats.

So, What Do They Mean By Colon Cleanse And Why Is It Required?
In simple terms, colon cleansing is cleaning of colon, when you have a problem, by one or the other medically proven methods. At this stage, it is important to understand, albeit briefly, about colon and its problems.

Colon is a part of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum; it extracts moisture from food residues before they are excreted. And cecum is the cavity where the large intestine just begins.

The food we eat passes through the digestive system before it collects overnight at colon. The sequential contraction and squeezing action of the intestinal muscles pushes the food through and finally into colon. Colon extracts and absorbs water and vital nutrient fluids before the fecal remains are eliminated out of the body.

But the problem is, when our meal lacks sufficient fibers and fluids, movement of foods and fecal material through intestines and colon becomes difficult due to its inherent hardness. The fecal material gets impacted as long as it is not excreted in order that it makes space for more.

Secondly, not all the wastes will easily move through intestine and colon when fluid and fiber contents are lacking, thus sticking to the side walls and further restricting the passage. The major effect of this is reduced fluid absorption. This condition is what is generally referred to as constipation.

Colon cleanse, in its generic meaning is nothing but enema, which is injecting of water or liquid through anus to stimulate evacuation. However, there are five different methods for colon cleansing.

1. Oxy-based Cleansers
2. Colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy
3. Herbal supplements
4. Use of Laxatives
5. Enema

You can hardly differentiate between enema and colon hydrotherapy where filtered warm water is injected into the colon when bowel movement melts and removes clinging impacted material. However, doctors warn this type of colon cleansing as enema or colon irrigation is rather used as preparation for surgery or medical examination. But herbal laxatives like Psyllium husk have proven to have no side effects as they contain high fiber and mucilage and swell on soaking.

Your concerns of wellbeing are misused by quacks by falsified statistics and testimonials. US FDA has issued several public cautions and warned specific marketers in this regard. Remember, when colon cleanse is an absolute must, your doctor never hesitates to advise you.

Body Massage Oils for Healthy Living

The holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the circulatory, body-the muscular, skeletal, elimination, endocrine, respiratory, lymphatic, emotional, mental digestive, and nervous systems is called Body massage.

An expert's massage with aromatic massage oil does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin. The massage oil penetrates into the skin working on the soft tissues (the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. The massage oils reach beneath the deep layers of the skin and possibly stimulate the affected organs for instant relief. Massage oils thus stimulate blood circulation and assist the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system) thereby improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.
Massage oils like Grapeseed oil, Jojoba oil and Sweet Almond oil are very light on the skin as they soak quickly leaving the skin soft, nourished and moisturized with out any greasy feeling. Massage oils can be categorized as the following to serve four different purposes:

Energizing Massage Oils boost your spirits and energy as well as relax your muscles. Most Energizing Massage Oil contains peppermint, lemon, rosemary, spearmint and tangerine as essential oils.

Relaxation Massage Oils is beneficial at the time of stress, muscle cramps and tension. They make your body muscles relaxed and releases tension. The Relaxing Massage Oil blend generally contains ylang, clary sage, bergamot essential oils, and lavender.

Sports massage oils relieve you from spasms, muscle cramps, tension and reactivate your muscles to face the challenge once again. Sports Massage Oil mostly contains lavender, rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus, and ginger essential oils.

The Sensuous Massage Oils are for those intimate moments; to make your partner go wild for you. These types of massage oils contain sandalwood, patchouli and rose essential oils.

Massage oils thus in general help us to:

1. Relaxing.
2. Soothing.
3. Healing.
4. Releasing tension, stiffness, cramps and pain.
6. Improving breathing.
7. Improving circulation.
8. Enhancing well-being.

Tip: It is important that you do not go out in the sun for at least 8 hours after using any of the massage oils as you may get skin irritation if exposed to sun. Body massage is not prescribed for pregnant women or children under the age of 3. It is always advisable that you undergo allergy test prior to using body massage oil for safety purposes.

Memory Foam Mattress Pads And No More Sleepless Nights

Memory foam mattress pads are widely popular due to several reasons. Have you ever thought what is your priority when it comes to a comfortable sleep? It is no doubt the mattress on which you rest your body. If it is an old hard mattress, it is not providing you with adequate softness that your body requires after a day's hard work.

At times you may get frustrated and might want to replace your whole bed instead but hold on. You have memory foam mattresses out in the market to give you a comfortable sleep for the rest of the years to come. Furthermore, you don't even need to spend too much money on your memory foam mattress pads.

Memory foam mattress pads are preferred mostly because of its quality- its thickness, foam density, price followed by durability. The memory foam mattress toppers can miraculously cure aches and pains as well as tossing and turning. It will heal your pain and side by side will guarantee you with a sound sleep to make you feel fresh for the rest of the day. A viscoelastic mattress pad is also available that fits perfectly over any existing mattress, and surprisingly turns your current bed into a new sleep system, with a greater comfort and peace of mind that you have had in years.

There are different makers of memory foam mattress pads; therefore you should study the market well before making your purchase. You can also make an online comparison study between the various makes and the prices as well as the benefits. Many prefer to hop from one shop to the other to get the idea of the latest products available in the market and the price range. But keep in mind that durability should be the keyword while you are searching for memory foam mattress pad.

Visco foam density is an important factor to consider before you make your decision in purchasing a particular brand. The denser the foam better is the quality. It is generally advised to get a foam density between 3.5 lbs to 4.5 lbs per cubic foot.

Check the thickness of your memory mattress pad to give you lasting comfort. The pads are available in a variety of thicknesses ranging from one inch to 4 inches and even more. You'll have to try them and get the final answer to what is best for you.

A Massage Chair For A Healthy Family

We often face the problem of stress and strain that ends up in both physical and mental problems. We live in a hectic world where we are always running to keep ourselves alive in the fast competition. We need respite from that strain.

Researches show that massages can be a great reliever to free your mind and body from complex thoughts and stress and are effective if carried out daily. To hire a professional for a massage everyday is something that many cannot afford. To solve this problem we have massage chair out in the market to help us feel relaxed after a day's hard work. It boosts up our energy level and we are ready o face the challenge of life in great spirits once again.

Massage chairs come in different models with different types of functions. You have to know the type you want or else it will totally be wastage of time and money. Cost of a massage chair may vary from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The more expensive one will in fact act as a stimulator as they provide massage with mechanical fingers starting from your back and down to the legs. The less expensive models don't have this facility; they are just like a vibrator to increase your blood flow and make you feel relaxed.

You can shop for massage chairs at specialty shops or furniture stores. You can also find them online with special pricing. But before purchasing you should know the type you want. Another important aspect is you should be aware of the warranty as well; some companies offer extended warranties for the user's benefits. So buy the massage chair that will not only improve your life style but will take proper care of your investment as well.

Massage chair has gained popularity nowadays. Elderly people find it to be of great relief to help with theft body pains and lethargic attitude. A ten minutes massage during morning will activate your nerve cells and keep you running without making you feel tired for the rest of the day. It even has a strong hold on your nervous system and helps you to maintain a normal blood pressure level. You can also try the massage chair in the night. It will not only relax your muscles but will put you into a deep, sound sleep that you have craved for years.

Do not Quit Reading Use Reading Glasses

Surgery may correct distance vision, but it creates the need for reading glasses. Reading glasses look like normal glasses, but they actually give you good distance vision and good reading vision. For detail activities such as prolonged reading, have a pair of reading glasses made that provide balanced near vision. Almost a third of the American population needs reading glasses, but engineers designing web sites are typically under 40 with perfect vision. This often leaves them with perfect reading vision, without glasses, in old age, despite having lost accommodation through presbyopia. People who do not need glasses for distance vision may only need half glasses or reading glasses. In the past, traditional eye exams for near vision have resulted in glasses suited only for reading printed material, not for viewing computer screens. People with natural 20/20 distance vision will likely need reading glasses when presbyopia develops. Even if you achieve excellent vision through surgery, reading glasses are usually necessary beyond 45 years of age. If you have Lasik to correct your distance vision, you'll still need reading glasses around age 45. Of course, one can use two different pairs of glasses, each with single vision lenses - one pair just for reading, and another for looking into the distance.


This is what reading glasses are about; they let you focus in on fine detail at a close distance. Baby boomers who have LASIK may end up trading in their old distance glasses for reading glasses. For those who need distance of midfield glasses, bifocals can often be the answer to providing for both distance and reading needs. Other customers may wish to consider the option of owning two pairs of glasses; one pair for distance and another for reading. And with half-eye reading glasses, you can look down through the lenses for reading and over the lenses to see in the distance. They will turn your standard distance glasses into reading glasses or your reading glasses into super magnifying lenses.

Wearing Your Glasses

Contacts have given me back some youth, but when I have them in I have to wear reading glasses. Speaking of glasses, I wear reading glasses when using a computer. I would recommend this group to anyone looking for unique and/or quality reading glasses - Roseanne-Arizona. And despite Dorothy Parker's famous quip, women do look attractive who wear eyeglasses for reading. This means to wear the compact reading glasses down a bit on your nose. If you already wear regular glasses or reading glasses, you may be tempted to dismiss the need for computer glasses. Even non eyeglasses wearers can wear them over their sunglasses when working or reading outside. You wouldn't wear reading glasses for driving, or at least I hope you wouldn't. I think it was because I kept reading books with dimmed lights that made me started to wear glasses. There is no need to wear reading glasses underneath your safety glasses ever again.


These glasses give these people the ability to have proper eye protection, and allow easy reading of plans, instructions and computer screens. Some may need to use reading glasses for close work such as reading, using a computer, or sewing. For activities like reading or working on a computer, patients who've had cataracts removed commonly require reading glasses. Caution should be used concerning buying ready-made magnifying or reading glasses off the rack in stores to use as computer glasses.


By using a reading glasses case you will prevent accidents that could ruin them. Mini reading glasses almost always come with a case designed specifically for this type of reading glasses. Plastic or metal reading glasses can be used with either a hard or soft case. Most likely a soft case will come with plastic reading glasses. The soft fabric protects the lens while the soft case is basically just storage for the reading glasses. Often such readers come with a hard case that is designed to store a specific style of reading glasses.


That is when you start reaching for reading glasses, because you need the extra power that your own lens can't provide anymore. Off-the-rack reading glasses have the same lens power in each lens. Flip-up reading glasses - these are like the flip-up sunglasses, except they provide a magnifying lens. Even contact lens users often use reading glasses.


If you're experiencing those problems, visit your eye doctor for a reading glasses prescription. While pinholes are not as cheap as off-the-rack reading glasses, they are considerabley cheaper than individual prescription glasses. Purchasing reading glasses made up to your prescription is the perfect way to solve this problem. If they say you need a prescription, tell them that reading glasses can be bought in drugstores without a prescription. Over-the-counter reading glasses are inexpensive eyeglasses that can be purchased in variety, drug, and discount stores without a prescription.

Take Time To Choose The Right Massage School

Taking a course on massage education involves the same procedure like any other education programs. But, prior to getting admitted you have to know what you exactly want to learn and what are your plans after the training session is over. Do you want to be a private professional helping your clients feel relaxed or soothe their pain? Do you want to be a part of a massage experts' team for sports persons etc? Or do you want to attach yourself with hospitals and nursing homes?

There are different types of massage techniques offered by different schools. These include Swedish, Deep Muscle, Acupressure, Reiki, Sports Massage, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue, etc. The different types of massages have different benefits; therefore you have to do quite a bit of homework before getting admitted to a particular massage school.

Once you know the type of school that is best suited to you, you have to evaluate the massage schools in your area and study their offer programs intensely. You have to take your decision now. It is great if you personally contact each school to study the environment, their courses, costs, scholarships etc and then make up your mind. Do a detailed study and f possible, talk to the massage school students that you have short listed. Ask for an appointment with the admissions staff and discuss your plans and study their level of professionalism. Are they able to answer all of your questions convincingly? Do you feel you can depend or rely on them?

Enquire about the licensing requirements and gather specific information on the exams schedules and class hours. Make a tour round the school and examine the classroom and training facilities. Does the school offer a comfortable atmosphere for learning?

Find out whether the schools have been awarded with any accreditation. You can even apply for financial aids to begin your massage therapy education. Federal loans and grants are generally available for accredited massage schools. With the help of the massage school you can also apply for low interest education loans to meet up with the training costs.

You have to de a bit of research at the initial stage. Once you get all the questions answered you know which school is suitable for you. Then you can happily get admitted to the massage school to pursue your career in massage education and ensure a better future in the long run.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Osteoporosis natural treatments that work

If your doctor says your bone density is degenerating or that you have osteoporosis, what can you do? Most likely your doctor will want to put you on a drug. Since most drugs have real nasty side effects, after long-term use, you may want to look for a natural alternative.
First of all, you need to make sure that you are getting a
good supplement of calcium and magnesium for reducing osteoporosis. For women up to 1200 mg to 1600 mg of calcium per day and about 600 mg to 800 mg of magnesium is recommended. For men, use around 200 mg less than women.
Realize that calcium is a difficult mineral to absorb in your intestinal tract. Taking magnesium improves your absorption of calcium. Using an ionic form of calcium also improves you changes of absorbing more of this mineral.
Vitamin B12 reduces osteoporosis
There is one other nutrient that you should also take to increase your absorption of calcium. In a clinical study made at the University of California, they found that women who had the highest levels of vitamin B12 compared to the ones that had the lowest levels had a significant decrease in bone loss and bone fractures - reduced osteoporosis.
In another study done by Tufts University, they again found that in 2,500 men and women that high levels of vitamin B12 reduced their chances of getting osteoporosis.
In previous newsletters I had written of the other serious benefits of Vitamin B12 and the other B Vitamins, B6 and folic acid. These B vitamins are essential for reducing your homocysteine levels. Remember that high homocysteine levels and unchecked homocysteine levels in your blood lead to plaque buildup in blood vessels. Plaque build up in your blood vessels is probably the most serious condition that you will have to face as you age. Plaque buildup in the blood vessels is the major cause of cardiovascular disease.
Celiac Disease encourages osteoporosis
In another article I have also written about celiac disease. This is a disease where more than 1.5 million people have it and many don't know it. It is a disease where grains (gluten) have destroyed the small intestines ability to absorb nutrients.
In studies, it has been shown that those with severe celiac disease also have severe osteoporosis.
To make your Vitamin B12 absorption worse as you age, you produce less intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is created in the stomach where is helps you adsorb more Vitamin B12.
Pharmaceuticals block calcium and encourage osteoporosis
Pharmaceuticals of various kinds, especially acid blocker, can also prevent you from properly absorbing Vitamin B12. But you can get plenty of Vitamin B12 from eggs and meat.
So now you can see that it's necessary to supplement with calcium, magnesium, B12, B6, and folic acid to prevent or even reduce osteoporosis. Not only do these supplements help you with osteoporosis, but they also will reduce the plaque buildup in your artery walls.

Hemorrhoids Exercises to Easy Your Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can occur from many body unbalances, but it boils down to putting pressure on the veins that surround the anus. When you strain to have a bowel movement you push and increase the blood pressure in the veins in the anus. If you have to strain to have a bowel movement then you are constipated.
When go into the restroom, go there to have a bowel movement. Don't take any reading material because that keeps you in there longer. Sitting there puts pressure on your rectum and anal veins and eventually leads to hemorrhoids. This can also aggravates the hemorrhoids you already have. So, you don't want to sit there longer than needed.
To deal with constipation, start using some of the constipation remedies that I have listed on some of my websites or articles and you will be having an easier time when you have a bowel movement.
I have updated my hemorrhoid e-book to include constipation remedies so that you have easy and quick bowel movement. Any straining you do is considered constipation and can lead to hemorrhoids later.
When sitting on the toilet, there are a few things you can do to help your stools come out easier.
" Sit-up straight and lean back slightly
" Raise your arms up above you, this helps to stretch and move your colon
" Use a small stool to place your feet on to move your knees up a little bit. This takes off some of the pressure felt in your anal area.
" Move your stomach in and out to help move your colon
" Move side to side to stretch and move your colon
If you have a job where sit all the time, get up and walk around every hour or when ever you can.
Exercises for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are like extra skin or inflammation that accumulates around your anus. That area can become sensitive or painful to touch or to movement.
Exercise is called for in helping to get rid of hemorrhoids. What you want is to get more blood to circulate in that area. Blood circulation brings in needed nutrients and removed toxins. A good daily fast walk is the best. Yoga is very helpful since it helps to stretch muscles, and revive circulation. Any exercise will be beneficial.
You can do all the things for preventing hemorrhoids and constipation, but if you do not exercise regularly, you are bound to get these aliments. So plan to exercise, it is good for life and not just good for hemorrhoids and constipation.
The other exercise that you can do is an anus exercise. Do this by pushing down like you are going to the bathroom and then pull back. Do this for a few minutes. This will help to build the tissue in that area. Yes I know, this is uncomfortable to do, but if you don't do some of these exercises, then these hemorrhoids will get worst as time passes.

Hemorrhoids and Constipation Relief

If you have hemorrhoids, then mostly likely you are constipated. Here is what you can do to have a quicker bowel movement.
When go into the bathroom, go in there to have a bowel movement. Don't take a newspaper to read because that keeps you in there longer. Sitting on the toilet puts pressure on your rectum and anal veins and eventually leads to hemorrhoids or aggravates the hemorrhoids you already have. So, you don't want to sit there longer than necessary.
Start taking and using some of the constipation remedies listed in other newsletters and you will be having an easier time when you go to have a bowel movement.
I have updated my hemorrhoid e-book to include constipation remedies so that you have easy and quick bowel movement. Any straining you do is considered constipation and can lead to hemorrhoids later.
When sitting on the toilet, there are a few things you can do to help your stools to come out easier.
" Sit-up straight and lean back slightly
" Raise your arms up above you, this helps to stretch and move your colon
" Use a small stool to place your feet on to move your knees up a little bit. This takes off some of the pressure felt in your anal area.
" Move your stomach in and out to help move your colon
" Move side to side to stretch and move your colon
If you have a job where you have to sit all the time, get up and walk around every hour or as often as you can.
Exercise is necessary if you have hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are like extra skin or inflammation that accumulates around your anus. That area can become sensitive or painful to touch.
Exercise is called for in helping to get rid of hemorrhoids. A good daily fast walk is the best. Yoga is very helpful since it helps to stretch muscles, and revive circulation. Any exercise will be beneficial.
Check out my e-book on hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoid relief, if it does not help you, have a no questions asked refund for up to 8 weeks. You have plenty of time to see if my remedies work for you.
You can do all the things for preventing hemorrhoids and constipation, but if you do not exercise regularly, you are bound to get these aliments. So plan to exercise, it is good for life and not just good for hemorrhoids and constipation.
The other exercise that you can do is an anus exercise. Do this by pushing down like you are going to the bathroom and then pull back. Do this for a few minutes. This will help to build the tissue in that area. Yes I know, this is uncomfortable to do, but if you don't do some of these exercises, then these hemorrhoids will get worst as time passes.

Keeping regular with easy flowing bowel movements and exercise regularly can help you reduce or even prevent hemorrhoids.

Do You Have Fear and Anxiety

If you want to change the level of your health, here's what you have to understand.

Most illness comes from emotional or stressful conditions that we activate from within ourselves. This includes, of course, fear and anxiety. The job we have and the people we know or live with only serve to trigger specific feeling that you are sensitive to and this activates your fear, anxiety or stress. Anxiety and stress are a force that works on your body, organs or cells causing malfunction and deterioration. Stress creates acid that resides in your cells and in your lymph liquid that surrounds your cells.

An acid body breeds sickness such as cancer. Cancer thrives in an acid body Pathogens live and multiply in an acid body. Acid breaks down cell structures and tissue.

The food you eat can contribute to an acid body or an alkaline body. Processed food creates acid in your body. Raw food reduces acid in your body and brings the state of your body to an alkaline condition.

So here is a start for you if you are interested in changing the level of your health.

learn how to relieve stress and relax more frequently. You can do this by exercising, by working with a psychotherapist, and by using various brain relaxation tape. You can do it by bring in more love into your life.

Learn what type of food you need to eat that will not create a lot of acid in your body. It is ok to eat acid foods but they have to be balance with alkaline foods.

Use natural remedies to relieve various conditions that you have so that you can get back to into balance. Then work on relaxation and eating naturally.

If you are on drugs start investigating how you can back off from these drugs and what alternative remedy there is that can partly take the place of your drug. Drugs create an acid body and destroy tissue.

Fear and anxiety come from suppressed traumatic memories or cellular memories, which are the cause of most diseases. What are suppressed traumatic memories and what do they do.

Well let first let me explain a little about how the body works. Under natural conditions, a cell moves in nutrients and releases toxic waste. In the cell it burns these nutrients to provide with you with energy, for repairing itself, splitting and creating new cells and performing all other functions that keep it and you healthy.

How a cell function is determined by the autonomic system. In this system, we have the para-sympathetic system and the sympathetic system. When your body is under the para-sympathetic mode, your cells and body are functioning normal and has a strong immune system to heal itself.

Under the sympathetic mode, your body is acting as if it is under attack and blood is pull from your organs and other areas that don't need much blood and is moved to the muscles so that you can deal with the attack. This attack is typical a dangerous or life threatening situation.

Body cells under the sympathetic mode are not functioning normal. Less blood is flowing in this area means less nutrients going into the cell and less toxic matter coming out of the cell. This is the condition that produces disease.

Now here is important information that brings all this together. Many people feel that they are under a condition of constant attack - feeling fear and anxiety - even though they really are not. In this feeling of attack they express it as fear, stress, anxiety, anger, jealousy, and all types of negative behaviors.

People are typically under the sympathetic mode in which they are in automatic fight or flight mode. They are not even conscious of this because this is normal for them. Well, this is the condition where disease is created. When disease sets in, the cells cannot heal this disease since its immune system is weak and its cellular strengthen is gone from lack of nutrients and a build up of toxic wastes in the cells.

Stress and anxiety creates disease and all though history, people have been told to have some sort of stress management program such as exercise, yoga, psychotherapy, drugs, laughing, or any movement program.

Most people don't bother having a so called stress management program because they have no way of monitoring it to see if their stress is decreasing and doing these programs takes time.

So work on your health and eat more alkaline foods and start on a stress reduction program.

Toe Nail Fungus

In 1996, I contracted a bad case of athletes feet which I must gotten at the WMCA in Cincinnati, OH where I went swimming every week. I made the mistake of letting my athletes feet condition go until my feel were really eaten up with fungus. I also noticed some type of Toe Nail Fungus in my left and right large toe nails, which at first, I didn't really pay much attention to.

In 1997 I finally bought some Lamisil cream to treat my athletes feet. After applying it for about 2 weeks, my athletes feet fungus was gone. Since it worked so well on the athletes feet condition, I thought it would work as well on getting rid of the Toe Nail Fungus so I applied it to my toe nails for the next year, but saw no improvement. In 1998, I went to my family doctor and asked him what he would recommend I do about this condition. He asked me if my toe nails hurt and I told him they didn't. He said that I could take anti fungal pills like Lamisil, but they were expensive... $10.00 per day for 3 months and they sometimes had undesirable side effects or I could just let it go and live with it like millions of other people. So, I decided not to take the anti fungal pills and tried using every type of anti fungus treatment I could find in drugs stores and on the internet and NONE OF THEM WORKED. Meanwhile my Toenail Fungus condition kept getting worst and worst.

In 2003, I moved to Florida and was barefoot most of the time. My toenail fungus infection had gotten so bad in both my large toes that they were yellowed and thick with fungus. And they not only looked bad, they HURT! So in April of 2004 I went to a podiatrist with the intention of requesting a prescription for Anti Fungal Tablets (my last resort). He talked with me about my toe nail infection ( the medical term for toenail fungus is "onychomycosis" ) and how it can actually become life threatening if left untreated. He also told me about the possible side effects of taking prescription tablets and how after his mother- in-law took prescription tablets for a month or so, she lost her sense of taste! He explained that everything she ate, "tasted like cotton". This really sounded scary and made me not want to take any pills. He said that there was another alternative treatment which worked for some of his patients which I could try first before resorting to taking the Tablets, which by the way cost (at the time) approximately $10.00 per day for 3 months - (about $900. for the 3 month period).

I did considerable research over the next week on the internet and came of with a plan of attack to get rid of my Toenail Fungus which also included my doctors suggestion. I have a background in Electronics Engineering and problem solving, so I put my skills to work and came up with a regiment which worked so well that I could hardly believe it! In three months, almost all of the fungus was gone from my toe nails and in 8 months, after my new nails had grown in, my toes were FUNGUS FREE! What a joy to finally be rid of those ugly, embarrassing toe nails. And the best part is that they have remained FUNGUS FREE to this day and I didn't have to resort to taking those expensive pills.

After my toe nail infection disappeared and my new clear nails had grown in, I went back to see my Doctor When I showed him how my nails had cleared up, he was amazed!