Sunday, March 18, 2007

Asthma: Try The Natural Remedies

There are many medications that are used to control asthma-related symptoms and outbreaks. These prescription medications are well researched and very effective; however some individuals prefer to use natural asthma remedies to control their symptoms. Natural asthma remedies can work very well for some individuals, usually those with mild to moderate asthma conditions. Even when using natural asthma remedies, be sure to check with your doctor to ensure that there will be no complications or problems with existing medications. In addition, be sure to keep short-term or emergency inhalers available at all times in the case of a serious asthma attack.

Some of the most common natural asthma remedies include:

* Fish oil products – used as anti-inflammatories. These may be taken in liquid or capsule form. Be careful if you have any known food allergies, as fish oil may cause significant and severe reactions.

* Magnesium supplements – magnesium works with the muscles in the body to increase relaxation and prevent tightening of the muscles around the air passageways.

* Antioxidants – these may include green tea supplements, Vitamin E and selenium and other products that are designed to minimize the free radicals in the human system. Free radicals are often the cause of colds, coughs and other respiratory problems that can increase the irritation of the respiratory system.

* Chamomile, rosemary, spearmint, thyme and cloves contain many antioxidants and also work to increase the relaxation of muscles, as well as induce sleep. Some mixtures of the various herbs are available in health food stores in the forms of teas or powders and capsules.

* Ginseng and licorice, among other herbs, are often used in Asia as a treatment for asthma and may be found at health food stores. Generally these treatments work most effectively when taken consistently and for long periods of time.

Adding fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet and decreasing both high-fat and high-sugar items also may be part of a process of natural asthma remedies. Controlling highly processed and chemical-laden foods may eliminate any simultaneously occurring food allergies that may be increasing the severity of your asthma conditions. Avoid foods that are made with white flour and try to choose whole grain alternatives. Whole-wheat pastas, breads and even dinner rolls are a wonderful alternative to the highly processed white breads usually consumed in Western diets.

Avoiding any type of smoke, either first or second hand, and trying to stay away from environmental pollutants such as car exhausts and burning fireplaces is also important. Finally, taking a good, high-quality multivitamin supplement every day is another one of the factors that contributes to the success of natural asthma remedies.

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Depression Treatment

When it comes to mental illness, people are often reluctant to consult a physician or health professional, yet the treatment of depression as soon as it is diagnosed is crucial if any relief is to be had. One problem is that if the treatment of depression is not administered correctly, then the problem can be made worse. Depression treatment should address all the symptoms that are displayed. Symptoms of depression include suicidal tendencies, long black moods of sadness, and a total lack of self confidence. Depression treatment is most difficult when the patient and the patient’s family are not co-operative.

The treatment of depression must take into account the main cause of depression, which is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression treatment usually targets this imbalance and tries to correct it. However, doctors realize that depression treatment can often have side effects as the medication is strong. A study in Canada found that the bones of patients undergoing depression treatment were less dense than others, leading to brittle bones.

Natural foods in the Treatment of Depression

Cardamom and asparagus are two natural foods that are used in depression treatment. Other foods known to be beneficial in the treatment of depression include lemon balm, cashew nut and rose petals. It is also recommended that drinking a lot of water - at least eight glasses a day - and cutting down on (or preferably cutting out) red meats can support the treatment of depression. “Cooling foods,” such as many citrus fruits and most vegetables, are also thought to be useful in the treatment of depression because they bring down acidity levels in the body and so keep the mind calm.

Supplements and Vitamins for the Treatment of Depression

Vitamin B has been shown in trials to be very beneficial in the treatment of depression. It tends to increase serotonin, a hormone known to improve mood, levels in the brain. Omega 3 is also very beneficial in depression treatment as it keeps the spirits high. It must be remembered that certain situations can hinder the effective absorption of vitamins and minerals into the body; for example, vitamin absorption decreases with age. Always consult your physician or health professional for tips on optimizing supplement absorption in the treatment of depression.

Holistic Treatment for Depression

Depression treatment should also include breathing exercises, workouts and relaxation exercises. Deep breathing has proved to be useful, as has meditation. Other alternative treatments include aromatherapy, massages, reflexology and acupuncture. Depression treatment has to take a holistic view so that all the visible symptoms of can be addressed.

Therefore a combination of conventional medicine, alternative treatment, and good nutrition are recommended for the effective treatment of depression.

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Heal Your Body Naturally With Herbs

Many people rarely go to the doctor’s office whenever they experience certain ailments. Simple illnesses and symptoms such as the common cold, influenza, headaches, rashes, and a host of others can be treated right at home. Not from the medicine cabinet, either, but from your very own homegrown herb garden. Many herbs and plants have various medicinal properties, and can heal your body without side effects.

People just don’t realize how many chemicals and unnecessary ingredients are in prescription and over-the-counter medications. Our bodies weren’t created to consume such ingredients on a regular basis, and can cause serious problems after repeated use. Some people can even develop life-threatening allergies to medications. Aspirin taken on a regular basis can eventually cause bleeding ulcers in sensitive individuals. The aspirin can cause erosion in the lining of the stomach, resulting in a bleeding ulcer. Tylenol or Acetaminophen can cause liver damage if taken regularly. Even medications for depression can cause a person to become suicidal or suffer from seizures. Why do people have to suffer from other discomforts and side effects just to treat a problem in the first place? This is totally unnecessary, though, as people can treat all these ailments, including depression, at home with herbs. They can be grown right in your own backyard, which offers a convenient method of restoring your health without the need to suffer from nasty, uncomfortable or dangerous side effects.

People are always burning themselves, especially while cooking. They may touch a too-hot stove, splash hot cooking oil on themselves or even scald themselves with boiling water. No matter what type of burn a person incurs, they can be extremely painful. Sure, there are chemical-laden burn creams and ointments at the drug store, but a healthier and better alternative is aloe directly from an Aloe Vera plant, which is very soothing and healing for burns. Aloe Vera squeezed directly from the plant usually stops the burning almost immediately, as it quickly goes to work on healing the wound.

An herb called feverfew is known in the herbal world for its ability to eliminate and prevent headaches, from mild ones to full-blown migraines. And the one good thing about it is that it will not cause bleeding ulcers, liver damage, or any of the other potentially dangerous side effects.

To obtain the supplies that you need to start your own healing herbal garden, check out links as per attached below to receive some great deals.

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Arthritis & Stomach Relief

There are new studies for relief for arthritis pain. The purpose of the study was to compare the effects of two common drugs on the gastrointestinal tract. This can make it easier for people who suffer from arthritis choose the right drug for their pain management program.

Arthritis patients who take the COX-2 inhibitor etoricoxib experience fewer incidence of upper gastrointestinal clinical events, symptoms and problems, than in patients who took the NSAID* diclofenac, according to an Article in The Lancet.

This information will assist with the treatment of arthritis, and when physicians need to make decisions concerning pain management.

NSAIDS are a long term arthritis treatment. However, they increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal clinical problems including, but not exclusive to, bleeding ulcers. Previous trials did not simulated standard clinical practice because gastrointestinal protective therapies like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were not allowed.

Loren Laine (University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA) and colleagues analyse data from three randomised trials from the MEDAL (Multinational Etoricoxib and Diclofenac Arthritis Long-term) programme to assess the effects of the two drugs in a setting that simulates real-world practice, in patients with gastrointestinal risk.

Upper gastrointestinal clinical problems were less common with etoricoxib than with diclofenac, but only in simple cases. The more serious complicated events showed no significant difference whether patients took PPIs or asprin.

The authors of the study concludes: "The results of the MEDAL programme provide new information about upper gastrointestinal clinical events and symptoms to assist arthritis patients and their physicians to make decisions regarding NSAID use."

In an accompanying Comment, Joost Drenth and Freek Verheugt (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands) stated in an email, unofficially: "Though eterocoxib reduced upper gastrointestinal events, the effect was only small as 259 patients need to be treated to prevent one uncomplicated gastrointestinal event. The alternative, addition of a PPI to standard NSAID might be less expensive, potentially less cardiotoxic, and advantageous in terms of reducing dyspepsia, but here confirmation needs a randomised trial."

Arthritis can drastically reduce the quality of life. Suffering from gastric problems, caused by drugs, can further reduce the quality of life. There is relief for arthritis patients, but they need to consult their physician before changing drugs or embarking on a pain management program.

Pain can help arthritic patients understand what is wrong with their bodies and correct the problem instead of masking the pain. There are supplements and practices that will help reduce the joint damage and inflammation that causes many types of arthritis.

Jumping on every new drug study may have negative effect on the body. Patients suffering from joint pain need to understand that other factors, like stress and weight, will cause arthritis and the level of pain suffered.

However, patients who are suffering from gastric problems may find some relief in the results of this test. It may give their physician an alternative to their current pain management program.

Patient empowerment is a strong element in patient care today and patients are encouraged to research pain management programs and make suggestions that fit their lifestyles, while still working with their physician’s program and techniques.

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Four Diabetes Natural Treatments

There is something to be said for a diabetes natural treatment. Why is a natural treatment so important? My concern is about how drugs interact with the body and other drugs in the body. And while taking some herb or natural remedy can have a negative interaction just like a medication, I have not heard of any. With medicines I cannot make that same claim. For me and maybe you as well it seems safer. As part of my diabetes treatment I want something that is natural.

Eating consciously and exercising are two strong suits that make up a solid natural diabetes treatment.

There are also some herbs that are worth their weight in sugar, I mean gold, that can address your blood sugar and create a safer blood sugar level for you.

Here are a few herbs that are good natural treatments for diabetes.

One of my favorite herbs is Cinnamon because of its many uses and variety of benefits. Cinnamon improves the digestion of fruits, milk, and other dairy products.Cinnamon is also good for bloating, gas, poor digestion, arthritis, anemia, painful menstrual periods, and diarrhea.

A human study published in Diabetes Care looked at 60 people with type 2 diabetes, 30 men and 30 women with an average age of 52. The researchers concluded that "The results of this study… suggest that the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases."

I like eating Cinnamon in a few different ways. Hmm good on a sliced piece of apple. In apple sauce, on a piece of toast or in some oatmeal. One way I love in taking the herb is in tea. No need to add sugar, just have the tea. This is a delight.

While helping the body maintain weight management chromium is a trace mineral that plays a significant role in helping the body respond to insulin. Also found in Diabetes Care a study confirmed significant progress in insulin sensitivity with chromium present in the body. Interestingly enough studies have revealed that people with diabetes had low levels of chromium. One suggestion is that chromium picolinate is not recommended.

Another effective natural diabetes treatment is North American Ginseng. One of the hallmarks of diagnosing type 2 diabetes is a positive result on the glucose tolerance test, an elevation in blood sugar level two hours after ingesting a dose of glucose. How does your glucose level respond two hours after eating is the key question? In their analysis, the researchers found that subjects receiving a 3g dose of ginseng had a blood sugar level that was 59.1% less than subjects who had received the placebo treatment. Hey I like this ginseng. What about you?

Magnesium has proven to be an asset to the body for a quite a few reasons. This trace mineral found in nuts, seeds, whole grains and green leafy vegetables and many nutritional supplements is ideal for helping regulate blood sugar levels. Low magnesium levels may deteriorate blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes. This one diabetes natural treatment also helps with blood pressure, nerve and muscle function.

When considering using any of these natural diabetes treatments it would be wise for you to consult with your primary care provider. You want to be safe.

As part of your thorough diabetes treatment, using herbs is one of the areas that will help you acquire power over this disease. Having a well rounded program that touches on all the areas of concern about the ailment like diet and exercise will help in your quest for control of this potent illness as well.

Resources –

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Aron Wallad, aka Diabetes Buster, lowered his blood sugar by over 50 % and regained energy using some easy to use diabetes natural solutions. Grab your free ecourse about creating a well rounded diabetes natural solutions program for yourself.

Natural Healing Works

The effective use of herbal medicine in treating almost everything from minor wounds to major diseases has been well-documented throughout the ages. Indigenous tribes from Asia and Africa have used them for centuries, Oriental medicine is steeped in the use of such healing methods, and even Native Americans were known to use natural healing techniques to care for their sick.

In the Western world, however, medical science has initially shunned the use of herbal medicines and other forms of natural healing in treating illnesses. We pride ourselves in being “civilized” and believe that we know more about medical science and the treatment of diseases than other cultures. Over the years, there has been a lot of people attesting to the efficacy of herbal medicines and other holistic methods of treatment, but we still prefer to use more conventional methods and medicines in our homes, hospitals and clinics.

But do you really think you don’t need herbal medicines? If you answered yes, think again. You may have been using herbs to treat yourself and your family for a long, long time without you knowing anything about it. Most people still think that herbs have nothing to do with modern medical science. Little do they know that herbs have been used by medical science even before the discovery of penicillin.

Have you ever thought about how that tablet or capsule that you’re taking for your fever was made? Did you ever think about the main ingredient used in making that nasal spray or diet pills you’ve been using since you were a teenager? The odds are good that the main ingredients come from plants. Yes, medical science has been using plants since countless decades ago to extract the most potent ingredients used in making the drugs that we know today. Be it toothpaste, decongestants, or anything else, chances are that the main ingredient came from medicinal plants or herbs.

Herbal medicines is making a comeback, and they are here to stay. Holistic remedies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, shiatsu massage, and of course, herbal medicines have been extensively tested by doctors and patients alike, and were proven to be effective and practical. They are now used for treating a wide variety of symptoms and illnesses.

Herbal medicines are now packaged in capsule and tablet form to make them more appealing to consumers. Years ago people had to boil herbs in pots and drink the broth. Even now there are still some countries which do exactly that. But today, you can find a wide selection of herbal medicines for a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. There are herbal medicines for gout, diabetes, rheumatism, and allergies. There are even appetite suppressors and fat burners for the diet and weight-conscious.

These are just a few of the many ways that herbal medicines can help you and your health. But remember to always exercise precaution when taking medications of any kind. Herbal medicines are generally safe, but it is still recommended to consult the advice of a physician before taking any medication, natural or otherwise.

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Tips And Tricks On How To Lose Weight Correctly

Women, to put it bluntly, are biologically different from men. Those differences imply some guidelines for diet, exercise and health matters in general. Women, for example, naturally have a higher percentage of body fat than men, 27% on average compared to 15% for a fit individual. That single number alone is helpful information if one of your weight loss or exercise goals is fat reduction.

Any woman trying to reduce her percentage should take into account this natural difference, since it can help avoid guilt and provide a realistic goal.

Women experience hormonal changes that differ considerably from that of men as they age. Even young women can have irregularities in menstrual cycle and other physiological changes as a result.

This can be seen more clearly by looking at some extreme cases, for example.

Women in concentration camps in WWII frequently discontinued having regular menstrual cycles, as a result of the effects of starvation.

Highly trained female athletes also often experience similar changes, as a result of ultra-low body fat and other causes.

The ill effects of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) can be reduced by stabilizing blood sugar levels, regulating fat intake and other dietary changes.

For example, mood swings can be smoothed out to a degree by higher amounts of soluble fiber, which helps produce a slower rise in blood sugar. Apples, oats and beans are good sources.

Combining fat with protein and carbohydrate intake in a balanced way will help slow the rise in blood sugar from the carbohydrate consumption.

Ice cream may be a comfort food but the effect is short-lived and doesn't provide the balance needed. Instead, increase consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Bananas are a good choice, along with walnuts.

Women are more prone to arthritis, fibromyalgia and other conditions. Certain previously unsuspected food allergies can worsen the symptoms.

Testing is essential, but at the same time a healthy diet will help. Rice beverages can be substituted for those sensitive to cows milk, there are wheat-free breads on the market that are still whole grain and peanuts may need to be avoided for some.

For example some women who suffer from rheumatic symptoms will find they are allergic to wheat. A gluten-free diet will help lessen that problem.

This includes finding substitutes for ordinary cereal, standard bread, pasta and other foods made from wheat flour.

During the years of menopause, as cycles become less regular and large hormonal changes are occurring, diet can help lessen the severity of any discomfort. Lowering sodium intake is helpful.

Substitutes include herbs, garlic or lemon juice for flavoring. Each individual is different, though, and you should consult a physician for proper amounts.

Menopausal women are likely to benefit from reducing saturated fats, beyond that of younger women or males. Since estrogen levels are declining,

HDL cholesterol (the beneficial type) will tend to fall and LDL cholesterol (the potentially harmful type) will rise.

One result is that, though men in general have a higher risk of heart attack as they age, during this time a woman's risk is equal to those of men of similar age. Reducing saturated and trans fat can help reduce those risks.

Moderate wine consumption is beneficial. It provides anti-oxidants and other helpful compounds and is generally lower in calories than many alternatives. Lowering caffeine can help reduce loss of calcium, which is more needed as women age.

What constitutes a proper diet varies somewhat by gender and age, so investigate what is right for your particular circumstances. Knowledge is the key to health.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cold Calling Alternative - Using Email In Selling

If you’re sick of cold calling or you simply want to supplement your cold calling efforts then you need to be using the amazing power of email.

Email is so common of a tool that it is often overlooked especially in the profession of selling. Next time try sending an email instead of dialing that phone to try and talk to someone you’ve never met before.

Email has some major benefits over cold calls. The most major benefit is that your prospect can read your email when they have the time and it’s not going to interrupt their day like a cold call would. It also allows them to save your email and get back to you at a later date if you reach them at a time that’s not right. A cold call can’t do that.

So what do you do?

Well first you need to get the email addresses of your potential prospects. This is simple. Just about every business card has an email address on it. To collect emails you could also visit multiple businesses in a day collecting business cards that will fill your list of prospects to email. You can even buy a list from a list broker of targeted prospect’s email lists for fairly cheap if you want to save even more time.

After you obtain the email address you need to write your message. Write one message for your list of prospects but make sure to personalize each one before sending them out.

You want to make it personal yet professional. Greet them by name, introduce yourself and get right into your message. Don’t make it sound stuffy like your company’s brochure. Write the email as if you are telling a friend about your great product. Then to close the email you need a call-to-action. This is specifically telling your prospect what to do next. You could have them call you, fax you, or email you back.

Don’t underestimate this method. You will get a far greater response from this then you ever would from cold calling.