Sunday, March 18, 2007

Heal Your Body Naturally With Herbs

Many people rarely go to the doctor’s office whenever they experience certain ailments. Simple illnesses and symptoms such as the common cold, influenza, headaches, rashes, and a host of others can be treated right at home. Not from the medicine cabinet, either, but from your very own homegrown herb garden. Many herbs and plants have various medicinal properties, and can heal your body without side effects.

People just don’t realize how many chemicals and unnecessary ingredients are in prescription and over-the-counter medications. Our bodies weren’t created to consume such ingredients on a regular basis, and can cause serious problems after repeated use. Some people can even develop life-threatening allergies to medications. Aspirin taken on a regular basis can eventually cause bleeding ulcers in sensitive individuals. The aspirin can cause erosion in the lining of the stomach, resulting in a bleeding ulcer. Tylenol or Acetaminophen can cause liver damage if taken regularly. Even medications for depression can cause a person to become suicidal or suffer from seizures. Why do people have to suffer from other discomforts and side effects just to treat a problem in the first place? This is totally unnecessary, though, as people can treat all these ailments, including depression, at home with herbs. They can be grown right in your own backyard, which offers a convenient method of restoring your health without the need to suffer from nasty, uncomfortable or dangerous side effects.

People are always burning themselves, especially while cooking. They may touch a too-hot stove, splash hot cooking oil on themselves or even scald themselves with boiling water. No matter what type of burn a person incurs, they can be extremely painful. Sure, there are chemical-laden burn creams and ointments at the drug store, but a healthier and better alternative is aloe directly from an Aloe Vera plant, which is very soothing and healing for burns. Aloe Vera squeezed directly from the plant usually stops the burning almost immediately, as it quickly goes to work on healing the wound.

An herb called feverfew is known in the herbal world for its ability to eliminate and prevent headaches, from mild ones to full-blown migraines. And the one good thing about it is that it will not cause bleeding ulcers, liver damage, or any of the other potentially dangerous side effects.

To obtain the supplies that you need to start your own healing herbal garden, check out links as per attached below to receive some great deals.

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