One of the oldest forms of oriental medicine is acupuncture, a technique of inserting needles into some parts in the body. Those specific locations where the needles are inserted are called as “acupoints” or “tsubo.” Inserting a needle into each of these locations in the body is believed and is proven by many—both of early years and the present—to be an effective means of restoring well-being.
With acupuncture’s more than 3000-year history, it’s hard to negate its healing or therapeutic effects. And thus, even up to this day, a lot of people support this traditional medicinal practice. Acupuncture schools are also becoming more prevalent now more than ever and many are interested in pursuing a career in this field.
A survey conducted by California Acupuncture Association in 1993 reveals that a professional acupuncturist can earn from $30,000 to $100,000 per year. Perhaps to date, those figures have already doubled or even tripled and quadrupled.
But apart from the financial benefits of a career in acupuncture, practicing it is a form of performing an art for many. Acupuncture is something they are passionate about. They believe in its ability to restore health among human beings.
If you are one of the many who are interested in enrolling in an acupuncture school, you can begin searching online for a particular school within or near your place. Each acupuncture school differs from one another in terms of program offered, scope of the study, length of the program and instructors. It would be best to look closely into these things before you finally decide which acupuncture school to enroll in.
Most acupuncture schools do not require their enrollees to have undergraduate degree; however, most acupuncture schools require their students to have attended a course in college at least for two years. Degree holders are however most likely to be admitted in an acupuncture school, especially in a highly accredited one.
The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or ACAOM is the one that accredits an acupuncture school. If you seek for excellence in acupuncture studies, it would be best to enroll in an acupuncture school accredited by ACAOM.
Normally, it would take you three years to finish a degree in acupuncture. For working students, night programs and part-time acupuncture programs are also available. If you enroll in these programs, it may take you five years at the maximum to be able to finish a degree.
Once you’re finished with the course, you receive a master’s degree (Masters in Acupuncture or Master's in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). After the finishing the program, you may now take the licensure exam.
If you are planning to take licensure exam, it is advisable to enroll in an ACAOM-accredited acupuncture school as this is a requirement. Since July 1, 1999, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine requires that the student who shall take the examination must be a graduate of ACAOM-accredited acupuncture school.
Many acupuncture schools in the US are accredited by ACAOM. You can check out the websites of these schools to know more about their programs and their admission requirements.