Monday, December 25, 2006

Natural Louse Remedy Get Rid of Head Lice Once and for All

If you're wary of putting pesticides in your child's hair to get rid of head lice (something you should be wary of, if you are not), then you should consider a natural louse remedy. Natural remedies for louse are a very effective way of eliminating your child's louse. They work by using a holistic approach; that is to say that they use holistic medicine to determine the entire scope of the problem prior to treatment. This makes holistic healing remedies for lice the most effective way to naturally eliminate lice. Here are the ways in which nature can be used as a tool to eliminate your child's lice.

Look in your Pantry to Heal Lice

One of the most innovative, yet practical ways of eliminating lice was just recently discovered. By using a fine tooth comb, you can comb out all of the eggs laid by mature lice, to prevent more lice from infesting your child's head. Unfortunately, this does not take care of the mature lice.

After the combing process, saturate your child's hair in a combination of olive oil and essential oils. Afterward, put a shower cap on your child's head for two hours. The result will be that the adult lice, covered in oil, will suffocate and die. Finally, wash your child's hair two-three times after the oil saturation; that's how many times it will take to completely clean your child's hair of the oils.

Advantages to Natural Healing

A natural healer is a much more safe approach to eliminating your child's lice than chemical products, such as lindane (the traditional head lice cure). In fact, some research has found lindane to be a dangerous carcinogen, making it an even more unattractive head lice healer.

As a parent, you should have the right to be able to use remedies and medicine to help your child without the risk of causing your child to have problems such as cancer. Why take a chance with a chemical agent that contains potentially dangerous compounds to cure your child's lice. It only makes sense for a person to use remedies and natural medicine that will not only cure the problems your child is facing, but also promote a healthier lifestyle.

Natural Hair Care Products

When it comes to natural healing, you should always trust the professionals. Certainly the above mentioned oil treatment can get the job done, but unfortunately, the entire process is a failure if you miss even one egg. To get the results you need, you should consider purchasing a professional natural healing remedy.

This will ensure that, not only is your child being treated without dangerous chemicals, but also the treatment will be effective and you will get what you paid for. This is the safest way to get rid of your child's lice without the risk of him or her being exposed to potentially dangerous carcinogens. Remember, you and you alone are responsible for your child's health; make sure you do what you can to keep your child as healthy as possible.