Monday, December 25, 2006

Psychiatry The Path to Destruction

Many psychiatrists have placed themselves on top of the pedestal as the last bastion of help; as experts in the field of the mind; as those who know best when it comes to raising children, fixing relationships, handling depression, judging sanity and insanity, educational failures and so much more. They hold degrees from higher institutions to back up these claims and they demand high hourly fees or are highly paid witnesses.

Interestingly enough they hold the distinction of having the highest rate of insurance fraud convictions and the highest rate of suicide amongst their own ranks. A large number of their own families and they themselves suffer from many of their own made-up diseases that they claim they can cure yet this profession still purports that they can help the rest of us.


These are the people who are driving drugs into the schools; who are excusing poor scholastic performance under the guise of "feel-good" education; who routinely bilk healthcare insurers (and thereby the public) of millions of dollars a year in spurious "treatments" which yield demonstrably negative results and in many cases do not occur at all. These are the people who advocate torture in the form of electroshock and who have tasked themselves with reorganizing the way the world educates its young and deals with its "abnormals". Yet these are also the people who not only cannot agree on definitions of the diseases they claim to be able to treat, but openly admit that they don't know what they're doing.

THESE ARE THE PEOPLE who actively seek to wreck our culture and our civilization by legitimizing a viewpoint that treats man as an animal, incapable of improvement and doomed to a life of limitations. In the hands of psychiatrists, Beethoven would have been tranquilized, Rembrandt lobotomized, and Jesus Christ given ECT, put in restraints and locked away, never to see the sky again.

IF YOU ARE WONDERING why the world seems to be coming apart at the seams, why crime, illiteracy, drug abuse and moral decline, depression, suicides, psychotic behaviour, divorce, etc. continue to make headlines daily, and why those who SAY they can do something about mental health CANNOT, you are not alone.

IF YOU WANT to find out about psychiatry, you can't do much better than listen to the psychiatrists themselves. They will tell you exactly what they think about the human condition, what can be done about it, and how they believe the sane man (and therefore the ideal society) should function.

DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT: Others have come to their senses and know exactly what's going on. Those few who have the courage to speak out against the majority in their profession deserve attention as well.

"What's happening in the training of psychiatrists and in the quality of a psychiatrist is that they have become drug pushers. They have ... forgotten how to sit down and talk to patients as to what their problems are." - Walter Afield, psychiatrist, 1994
"... in 40 years, 'biological psychiatry' has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything 'neurological', 'biological', 'chemically imbalanced', or 'genetic'." Dr. Fred A. Baughman Jr., Pediatric Neurologist "Malpractice and Violation of Informed Consent"

"... modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the genetic/biological cause of any single mental illness ... Patients [have] been diagnosed with 'chemical imbalances' despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim, and ... there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like." - David Kaiser, psychiatrist; "Commentary Against Biological Psychiatry" - Psychiatric Times, December 1996

"What do you do when you don't know what to do? No wonder there are more suicides among psychiatrists than in any other profession." Psychiatrist R. D. Laing - Wisdom, Madness, and Folly, p. 126
"The way to sell drugs is to sell psychiatric illness." - Carl Elliot, Bioethicist ; University of Minnesota, 2001

"We don't have an independent, valid test for ADHD; there are no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction ... and finally, after years of clinical research and experience with ADHD, our knowledge about the cause or causes of ADHD remains speculative." - National Institute of Health; Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis; and Treatment of ADHD, 1998

"The field of mental health is highly subjective, capricious, and dominated by whims, mythologies, and public relations. In many ways it is a pop culture with endless fads but with no real substance." Dr. Walter Fisher - Assistant Superintendent, Elgin State Hospital - Power, Greed, and Stupidity in the Mental Health Racket

"The young and the old are defenseless against relatives who want to get rid of them by casting them into the role of mental patient, and against psychiatrists whose livelihood depends on defining them as mentally ill." - Thomas Szasz, psychiatrist ; Cruel Compassion, 1994

The headlines of today's newspapers tell tales of people driven to acts that can only be termed insane: students who come to school armed for mayhem, workers who blaze away at their fellows, killers stalking innocent victims for no reason at all, mothers who kill their innocent children.

But if these people are driven to madness, who's doing the driving? Digging deeper into the scene, one finds time and again evidence of psychiatrists hard at work, causing the very insanity that they claim to be able to treat. Evidence: Adolf Hitler (yes... he was being treated by psychiatry BEFORE the Holocaust!); Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, George Washington (yes, he too died at the hands of psychiatric treatment!), Ernest Hemingway, John Hinckley (prior to shooting John Lennon!), Kip Kinkel, Columbine shooters, Andrea Yates, Shawn Cooper, and the list can go on for miles... More than 80% of suicides are PRECEDED by the use of psychiatric type treatments (drugs, therapy, etc.).

Why am I writing this article now? Because I'm frustrated of having to clean up and educate the very people that so many psychs have ruined. And make no mistake about it... it's virtually everyone... we have become a nation of fast fixes, "no responsibility", "spectators to life", lacking a true view of ourselves as spiritual beings, humanoids! We view our bodies as "who we are" instead of the thing separate from us that we are in control of. We look for sensations and pleasures. We get our education from the TV commercials about what drugs to tell our doctors we want to ingest that will hopefully change our lives... instead of changing our lifestyles! There is not one person who has not been influenced by psychiatric propaganda. (except the few who have risen above it and are willing to step outside the box and get educated.

The side effects of anti-depressants and drugs like Ritalin, Adderall, Zoloft, Prozac, etc. will fill pages: suicide ideology, blocks the production of hormones, depression, headaches, addiction, high blood pressure, weight gain, impotence, sleep disturbances, itching, dry mouth, dizziness, gastritis, and the list goes on and on... These drugs do more damage and have yet to CURE anyone of the so-called mental diseases.

Our recent culture has been marred greatly by the underhanded dealings of psychiatrists... but as you noticed earlier in this article... there are a few brave souls out there within that profession who have taken a stand against their own group.

You as a consumer or natural health practitioner/consultant simply do not have to bow down to their domination any longer. There are solutions out there that are natural and work. Sure... you may be in such a mess right now that you still want that quick fix... I understand. Now let me point something out to you... there is not A PILL that will handle your life for you. Only YOU can handle your own life.
There is no such thing as ADD or ADHD. There is no disease of Alcoholism. There is no disease of being BI-POLAR. There is no disease of being Manic-Depressed. YES, there are SYMPTOMS! That I know. But they are NOT diseases that need mind altering addictive drugs... those drugs CURE NOTHING! Never have, never will. And YES... fixing the problem takes work.

I understand that not everyone reading this or everyone out there will rise to the occasion and do what they have to do to help themselves reach health and happiness. I understand that I might step on the toes of some doctors. I understand that some of you simply still want the quick fix. But for those of you who are determined to get your life back, determined to do something about it, determined to not live a life drugged, dulled, and numbed... well... you are the ones we in the natural health field want to help.

DESPITE ALL that the psychiatrists and their cohorts would have you believe, remember that there is hope. No one is doomed to a life bound by drugs, shock, psychosurgery, or worse. No society or individual is doomed to the degradation of going to "Hell in a hand-basket". Much can be done to help the individual naturally. I urge all doctors to learn the truth and quite treating symptoms alone. I urge all patients to sit up, take notice that continuing to do the same thing over and over again simply will not result in a change! Get educated. Become pro-active. Take control of your health and find a natural health practitioner that will assist you in preventing and rebuilding.