Alan Allard here…
You have my respect for taking action to learn how to improve your overall health. You can discover and learn how to do just that…change and improve your health… and enjoy the new levels of energy and vitality that will simply come your way.
You might want to know why I believe you are capable of changing and improving your health, regardless of the past. I am a former psychotherapist, now in private practice coaching others for rapid personal change, accelerated performance enhancement, and creating and nurturing outstanding levels of well-being. I am also the founder of GeniusDynamics, a Training and Coaching firm that specializes in accelerating the process of reaching levels of “unconscious competency,” what many call “being in the zone.” And, as I have worked one on one with clients for over twenty- two years now, I have identified seven keys that can and will improve your health and energy.
The seven keys that I share with you are not meant to be understood in a literal, “This is the most important key, and this is the second most important key,” manner, or practiced in a linear fashion. Rather, these are dynamic principles, beliefs, values, behaviors, etc that work together simultaneously and synergistically.
With that said, here are the seven keys!
Health And Energy Key # 1:
Begin With A Well-Formed Outcome
Simply put, your brain and your mind (conscious and unconscious) are “outcome focused,” by nature. You will always be using your brain and your mind to be moving toward an end target, a goal, a desired outcome…so choose each one wisely.
Now, when you think of something, anything, such as your health, keep your mind on what you desire, and off of what you do not desire. And the key to keeping your mind off of what you do not desire is to…keep it on what you do desire! Period. See, hear and feel that which reflects what you desire. If you get off track, away from what you desire, to what you do not desire, simply bring your mind (your pictures, sounds and feelings—more on this later) back to what you desire.
Some individuals might find it challenging at times to craft a well-formed outcome because of conflicting beliefs that need to be “cleaned up.” More on that later.
Health And Energy Key # 2:
Create and Maintain A Useful State
You are always creating and entering into, and operating out of, a “state…” a mental, emotional, spiritual, physical state. You have no doubt heard someone say, “I am in a really good mood.” Or, “She is in a really good frame of mind today!” When I use the word “state,” I am describing what is going on with you on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels…your total being.
Now, if you get anything out of this article, get this, and you will be ahead of the game: Never plan your future, or begin to solve a problem, or do anything, without first ensuring that you are in a useful, appropriate state for the outcome you are going for. Period.
Remember at time when you were in a conflict with someone you love, perhaps even with yourself! Did it help matters if you were in a less than useful state? By “less than useful state” I mean, one that is composed of, say, impatience, irritability, cynicism, lack of empathy, “I want to be right,” etc? What might have been the difference if instead, you had created and entered into a state that is composed of perhaps patience, caring about the best interest of the other person, curiosity, flexibility, creativity, genuine self-regard, etc?
Now, this article cannot fully coach you how to do that. You might want to have one individual coaching session to learn how to easily do what I am describing. You can also practice doing the following so you can enjoy learning how to create a useful state for yourself.: Imagine that your desired outcome is to persuade someone to your point of view on a matter. Now, remember a time when you communicated very effectively and got your outcome of someone being persuaded to your perspective. Imagine seeing a movie of that experience, and then “step into” the movie you are watching, and relive that experience for 30 seconds or more.
Now, step out of that movie, and remember a time when you were communicating with someone and you were very patient with that person, taking the time to really hear them out and to understand them on a superb level. Make a movie of that, and step into that! Then step out of it and remember a time when you were communicating with someone or a group of people and you demonstrated great flexibility to the point of reaching your outcome! Whatever “obstacle” came up, you were flexible in responding resourcefully to it. Now step into that movie…
You get the idea, right? This is one easy way to build a useful state for reaching any desired outcome.
Again, always make sure that you are in a useful state, one that is appropriate for easily and enjoyable reaching your desired outcome.
Health And Energy Key # 3:
Invest Yourself In Healthy And Rewarding Relationships
The people that you surround yourself with, those you let into your space, will affect you on all levels. It is as simple as that. Choose wisely. Perhaps it is time for you to let go of some relationships and to begin some new relationships. You are not doing anyone a favor by allowing them to adversely affect you over a period of time. That is not love, it is something else.
Know what you want from your relationships. Learn how to communicate with those around you, especially your loved ones, in such a manner that you effectively enhance the quality of your relationships, for all concerned. Learn to master the states you are in! When it comes to powerfully effective communication, the state you are in will be paramount. In your communication, be clear and be effective. Communicating effectively with yourself and others is the greatest single skill you can learn and develop. Invest your time, money and energy in doing so and you will be rewarded beyond what you are capable of currently imagining.
Health And Energy Key # 4:
Be Flexible
“Flexibility is the key!” The key to what? The key to achieving your outcome, the key to persuasive communication, the key to rewarding relationships. Flexibility is being able to do something different if what you are doing is not getting you the results you desire. Flexibility will get you to where you want to go with your health and energy. If what you have been doing has not gotten you the health and energy you want yet, do something else! You might be aware that there is no one “diet” or exercise program that is useful for everybody. You can find and use what will work for you…for now. And you can be flexible and change what you are doing as you find what works even better for you, moment by moment.
Health And Energy Key # 5:
Place Your “Health And Energy” As One Of Your Top “Life Values”
Tragically, “health and energy” is rarely a top value with most people. And I say “tragically” because of the fact that your values will drive your behaviors, and your behaviors will drive the results you create. So, it follows, that to engage in healthier behaviors, you will need to make sure that your health and energy is one of your top values. If you want to learn how to easily change your values, to actually choose which ones you want to drive your behaviors, you can do so in one coaching session. You will then have the ability and the tools to prioritize your values as you move through life. Remembering that your values will drive your behaviors. What is that worth?
Health And Energy Key #6:
Personal Congruency
“Congruency” is when your beliefs, values, behaviors, emotions and states are all lined up… and going in the same direction! You can easily understand how important this is. If for example, on one hand, you believe that you can greatly improve your health and energy, and on the other hand, you believe that doing so is not really possible, or that it would be quite difficult and unpleasant…well you can see the conflict, and you probably would feel the conflict as well. The stress that these two conflicting beliefs generate is unnecessary and can be eliminated with the appropriate tools and skill set.
Much energy is dissipated because of incongruent values and beliefs, not to mention incongruent behaviors! And when you learn how to “clean things up” and develop more congruency, you will immediately enjoy the results in your health and energy. Doing so is worth your investment, whatever that might be for you.
Health And Energy Key #7:
Design Your Life With Wisdom
And what is wisdom? It is contemplating and understanding the consequences of your choices and behaviors, not just for the immediate future, but for the distant future as well!
Now, my experience as a psychotherapist and Life and Business Coach has taught me that consistent improvement is more reliable than the so called overnight successes that you hear about from time to time.
Your health and energy…your overall well being, are all worth your patience! Because it is far better to take small and incremental steps into increased vigor, health and energy, than to take on too much, too soon. Your body and mind will thank you for exercising wisdom. An effective personal trainer said in an interview that “Most people try to do too much, too soon, get discouraged and then throw in the towel.”
It can be different for you. Be flexible enough to find out what works for you, in what increments, and then move forward with patience. Your patience and persistence will take you to your desired outcome of greater health and energy. Period. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Enough said. And if it isn’t… remember that Rome was not built in a day. Or a month for that matter. And yet progress began with the first action taken, and continued with each step after that. Each step brings more of what was desired.
An Easier And Enjoyable Way To Learn The Seven Keys:
Now that you have the Seven Keys To Improving Your Health And Energy…Now!… use them... experiment with them. If you desire some assistance beyond this article, give Alan Allard a call or drop him an e-mail by calling 678-778-9012 or emailing at: alan@geniusdynamics.com. His coaching experience can make it easier for you to implement the Seven Keys For Improving Your Health And Energy... Now! Drop Alan an e-mail or call him and let him know what you thought of this article and what is on your mind. He would love to hear from you.