“Magnetic bracelets reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.” Those are the findings of a scientifically peer reviewed clinical trial published in the British Medical Journal (Dec 17 04) The trial used specially designed ‘Bioflow’ magnets which use Central Reverse Polarity™ made by Cornish company Ecoflow Plc.
Local woman, Raine Leary, an Independent Distributor for Ecoflow, today spoke of her “delight but not surprise” at the findings. Raine said: “It’s wonderful to be able to point to some independent scientific research that supports what I and many customers have believed for years – these Bioflow magnets really do work.” She added: “Complementary therapies normally have to rely on anecdotal evidence so this research is a big step forward. I hope it will encourage more people to be open minded enough to give these very special magnets a try.”
Raine knows from her own personal experience how the Bioflow magnets can help. She saw her friend’s dog go from hobbling from his bed to his food bowl, to walking normally and having far more energy within a few days of wearing his Bioflow collar. She was so impressed that Raine decided to sign up with Cornish company Ecoflow as an Independent Distributor and has been delighted to see that friends, family and customers have reported considerable relief from their aches and pains, some with quite dramatic improvements. She now hopes that other local people will contact her to find out more about the unusual therapy.
Raine said: “I am convinced that Bioflow could help a lot of people and animals. In fact Ecoflow Plc is so confident that it offers a 90 day money back guarantee. I personally have seen so many benefits in various symptoms and conditions that I have no hesitation in recommending that people give it a try.”
The clinical trial was funded by the Arthritis Research Campaign. Dr Tim Harlow who led it said: “Our results did show benefit to patients with arthritis of the hip or knee.” He went on to stress: “It seems that not all magnets are the same in this context and we can only comment on the particular bracelets we studied.” He also cautioned that people should not suddenly discontinue use of their usual treatments without first discussing it with their own doctor.
Since Ecoflow first launched its Bioflow magnet in 1995, the weight of anecdotal evidence supporting its usefulness has continued to mount. The company has amassed files full of letters from people extolling the benefits of Bioflow and Raine has numerous stories of her own about local people who have benefited from the unusual treatment.
Raine said: “The Bioflow is special because besides being very strong it uses Central Reverse Polarity™ technology. This was specifically designed to mimic the beneficial effects of professional electromagnetic units often used in hospitals.” She added: “Not all magnets are the same and people can only be sure they are getting a genuine Bioflow if they buy from a registered Ecoflow Independent Distributor.”
Ecoflow’s chairman Paul Markland said: “This news is wonderful for arthritis suffers but it just confirms what we at Ecoflow have believed for years!” He emphasised: “We do not want to run the risk of inferior products being sold to people in pain on the back of this research. Buying a Bioflow product from a registered Ecoflow Distributor ensures that they are buying the genuine article carrying all the Ecoflow guarantees.” Please note: There is no substitute for sound medical advice and Ecoflow always recommends consulting your own doctor. People with heart pacemakers or other similar implants should not use Bioflow magnets.