How much water do you drink every day? The majority of people do not drink enough!
In 1995 Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. MD published his research on dehydration in a best selling book entitled “Your Bodies Many Cries For Water” which shocked the medical community and pharmaceutical industry. In this book the author shows medical evidence which supports his thesis that the majority of medical conditions stem from dehydration.
The research by scientists clearly shows that dehydration is one of the most common health maladies and the most easily preventable. The findings clearly demonstrate that quite often heartburn, rheumatoid pain, back pain, headaches and pains in the legs are all the result of dehydration. This is referred to as dyspeptic pain and is being thoroughly researched by scientists. This makes perfect sense if we study the physiology of the human body. Starting at the back of the lips and going all the way to the rectum is a mucosal lining. This lining covers the entire length of the digestive system and usually injuries to this lining precede serious disease conditions. The purpose of the lining is to filter out toxins and help transport food down the digestive tract. As this lining loses its elasticity and moisture the result is pain, aging and eventually disease.
In recent years the medical community has slowly been coming around to recognizing the truth in this brilliant research. However, the mainstream medical still ignores this research and its findings. The question you have to ask is can chemicals and high priced procedures heal the body when the problem could be chronic dehydration?
More research is being done. But the initial finds are conclusive. Sick people do not drink enough water every day. This is something worth thinking about and applying to your own health regimen.
Dr. Batmanghelidj theorizes that chronic cellular dehydration painfully and prematurely kills and that up until now the outward manifestations have been labeled as diseases of unknown origin. The great news is that there is a simple solution! Dr. Batmaghelidj suggests that you drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. This regimen will help keep the cells, joints and skin hydrated.
We’ve all heard the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Today we should consider adding to that statement “Without H2O you have been told, you will get sick, you will grow old.”